
3 09, 2018

Labor Day Rest and Rainbows

By |2018-09-02T06:35:42-05:00September 3rd, 2018|Holidays, Make Me Think Monday|1 Comment

Today is Labor Day. Unlike most U.S. holidays, it is a strange celebration without rituals, well, except for shopping and barbecuing. Interesting to note that Labor Day is also celebrated in Canada.

Peter J. McGuire, founder of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, and Matthew Maguire, secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York, are considered founders of the U.S. Labor Day. They sought a means of unifying union workers and a reduction in work time.

Central Labor Union adopted a Labor Day proposal in the 1882 and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic. Workers agreed  and staged a strike to get a day off work on the first Monday in September.

Twelve years later, in 1894, Labor Day became an official federal holiday though the bill did not give everyone a holiday. Only federal employees are authorized the day off by the law.

Over the years, emphasis changed from protests and demands and Labor Day shifted to honoring the labor movement and the social and economic achievements of all American workers.

Though the holiday has no rituals, addresses by union officials, industrialists, government officials, and others do receive coverage in social media, newspapers, and television.

Nowadays Labor Day mostly signifies a three-day weekend filled with retail sales, an extra day away from work, and the unofficial end of summer and hot dog season. A day to laze around the house and watch the kickoff of the NFL season.

It’s a weekend to play and relax unless you work in retail then you’ll have some long working hours. Police, firefighters, nurses, etc. will also experience heavy workloads because Labor Day is the second most dangerous holiday weekend to drive on U.S. highways.

Taking a day for relaxation is a good thing according Douglas Pagels.

"Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow."

If you’re one of those people who works all the time, why not follow Pagels’ advice today. Pick a rainbow color, grab one last hot dog, and slide down your rainbow beam.

29 08, 2018

Words of Wisdom on Nature – Thoreau

By |2018-08-24T06:23:47-05:00August 29th, 2018|Wednesday Words of Wisdom|0 Comments

Henry David Thoreau lived for two years, two months, and two days by Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts.You can learn more about man and his philosophies at The Walden Woods Project here.

The quote in the graphic above is from one of the essays he wrote about his experience. It’s not the full quote. Here’s the full quote:

“We need the tonic of wildness...At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.” ~ H. D. Thoreau.

Visit this blog -“Postcards from Walden Pond“-and to learn about the Walden Pond site.

30 07, 2018

It’s Time to PAUSE

By |2018-07-29T15:39:48-05:00July 30th, 2018|A Writer's Life|1 Comment

On a recent road trip together, Chicken Wrangler Sara and I were discussing an editorial titled “Head Space” by Stephen Orr in the August edition of Better Homes and Garden magazine.

Orr pointed out that everywhere you look people are on their smart phones. Not just in public places, it happens in our homes, at school, and at our places of worship.

He points out our “tiny glass pocket computers” are putting us on information overload and stealing head space we need to think and process.

Everything he said is sad, but true.

His solution is to put the phones down, pause, and give our head space some room to think. He says, “Real thoughts-your own thoughts-will start seeping back in” when you do.

Sara and I agreed our own head space is overloaded and not just from cell phone usage. We decided that Stephen Orr’s advice seemed like a good way to recharge.


We’re taking a PAUSE for the month of August from cell phones and blogging.

We’ll return on September 10 with clearer head space and fresh adventures to share.

In the meantime, you can find six years’ worth of reading material in the archives. Simply scroll down the column on the right and use the site’s search option.

27 07, 2018

Missed the Memo

By |2018-07-24T21:59:56-05:00July 27th, 2018|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|1 Comment

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

I recently did my annual “work in the flower bed in the heat of summer” job. Some pink flowers we dug up at my father-in-law’s and replanted in our flowerbed prompted it. They add some cheer and color to the front of the house.

At one point we had another flower bed that encircled two pine trees.  There were irises, a rosemary plant and a couple of althea bushes.  Rachel and I worked in that flower bed 2 years ago but then the pine trees died and were cut down and the rosemary didn’t survive our “trimming” so I gave up on it.

Most of it just looks like part of the yard now except for these two amaryllis plants.They apparently did not get the memo that the flower bed was gone and they just keep on blooming.

I received word at the beginning of the month that the school where I teach is closing grades K-12 and will only keep the preschool open.  This has made me very sad.  Seeing these amaryllis every day reminds me that even though things around me are not the same, I can still bloom.

26 07, 2018

How Your Family Can Eat Healthy All Summer Long

By |2018-07-24T10:35:25-05:00July 26th, 2018|Guest blogger|2 Comments

Today I am hosting Brandon Butler, one of our regular guest bloggers. He’s sharing four great ways to encourage healthy eating this summer.

How Your Family Can Eat Healthy All Summer Long

Photo Credit: Pixabay

 Think you don’t have an influence on what your kids eat? Think again.

Research suggests that parents have a significant impact on what kids eat — particularly in their early years. While the best solution is to nip bad habits in the bud, it’s never too late to institute a healthy regimen.

Summer can present multiple temptations, but you can still enjoy the season without sacrificing your family’s health.

  • Be Mindful Of Snacking

Despite the fact that it’s a debatable topic amongst pros in the health industry, mindless (and unhealthy) snacking can upend healthy eating habits. Aside from weight gain and the possibility of consuming an unbalanced diet, other risks include memory and learning problems, increased risk of dementia, inability to control appetite, chemical changes that lead to depression, and the risk of uncontrollable cravings.

However, between road trips and summer activities, craving a snack is not out of the realm of possibilities. With that in mind, opt for healthy alternatives, such as a gut-healthy guac (with yogurt or sauerkraut), chopped veggies and hummus, fresh (or grilled) fruit kabobs, whole grain crackers and string cheese, low-fat yogurt, etc.

  • Create Healthier Versions Of Summer Favorites

Everyone loves a grilled burger and ice cream cone come summertime, but there’s no doubt that the calories can add up quickly when consuming such warm-weather delicacies. Instead of denying yourself—and your family—these culinary pastimes, opt for making healthier alternatives.

If unconventional recipes such as sweet potato salad aren’t your thing, consider small changes, such as swapping out highly-caloric mayonnaise, fatty ground chuck, kettle chips, and full-fat ice cream with lower-calorie versions — but don’t’ be afraid to treat yourself and your loved ones once in a while. Experts agree that occasional splurges prevent a decrease in metabolic rate, prevent binges, and help maintain a healthy lifestyle for the long term.

  • Head To The Farmers Market

Aside from the visual stimuli that are incomparable to a grocery store, taking your kids to the farmers market teaches them what real food is, the importance of seasonality, and what goes into a meal.

Allow your kids to choose specific fruits and vegetables that appeal to them visually and taste-wise so that they can get excited about eating healthy foods. Talk about the origin of the produce, different preparation methods, and how such foods help in their daily activities, from sports to sleeping to functioning at school.

  • Cook Together

Not only is cooking an important life skill every youngster should know, it’s also a fun family activity to do together. Combine the two previous points (healthy food alternatives and the farmers market) to teach your kids how to make healthier preparations of their favorite dishes while speaking to them about the difference between the original and your newfound creations.

Cooking is also a good opportunity to point out the importance of eating whole, quality foods versus goods that come out of a can or a box in the frozen section of the grocery store. Give your kids age-appropriate tasks to complete during the prep and/or cooking process so that they have a sense of satisfaction when the meal is served.

Eating is only half the battle. Staying active with your family is a key component to staying healthy, too. There are copious ways to have fun with the family, including day trips, walking in your neighborhood after dinner, dancing, riding bikes, hiking, strolling around the zoo, going for a picnic, and simply horsing around in the backyard by camping out or playing kick ball.

23 07, 2018

Bottle Tree – A Southern Tradition

By |2022-09-16T10:25:43-05:00July 23rd, 2018|Writer's Life|0 Comments

“A bottle tree?” Visitors ask when they spot the rebar creation in my flowerbed.

I explain that people have been creating these “trees” in Southern states for hundreds of years.

Appalachian folklore says empty glass bottles placed outside near the home can capture roving (usually evil) spirits at night.

Sunlight the next day then destroys the spirit inside or the bottles can be corked then thrown into the river to wash away the evil spirits.

Some hold that African slaves carried the bottle tree tradition to Europe and North America in the 17th century when the slave trade began. Eudora Welty used this idea in her short story about a slave named Livvie.

She knew that there could be a spell put in trees, and she was familiar from the time she was born with the way bottle trees kept evil spirits from coming into the house — by luring them inside the colored bottles, where they cannot get out again.

Felder Rushing, a southern gardener, believes the tradition goes back much further in history to ancient Egypt. You can read his account here.

Originally, bottles were hung on the bare limbs of Crape Myrtles, a tradition thought to be connected to the myrtle tree’s significance to slaves in the Bible. The crepe myrtle tree appears as a reoccurring image representing freedom and escape from slavery in the Old Testament.

An interesting side note here is that Victorians adapted the bottle tree idea into hollow witch’s balls they placed inside their homes.

Bottle trees also appear in Hoodoo folk magic. Practitioners believe spirits remain among the living for generations and, when captured in the bottles, provide protective powers. Hoodoo bottle trees use only blue bottles to attract ancestral spirits.

The most prized bottle trees today are those with milk-of-magnesia bottles. Since those bottles aren’t produced anymore and the ones you find in flea markets and antique shops are pricey, most folks settle for blue wine bottles.

Remember the Southern blue porch ceilings. It’s something about the color blue and its ability to discourage the “haints” that attracts us southerners.

Whether you believe all the hocus pocus folklore or not, you will find bottle trees in gardens and yards throughout the United States. If an actual tree isn’t available, you can find numerous styles of iron trees at garden shows and nursery showrooms.

I love my bottle tree! It blooms all year and brightens my garden. And just maybe, it helps keep the haints away.

Want to learn more about bottle trees? Check out these sites:


16 07, 2018

Answering Writerly Questions

By |2018-07-10T20:48:20-05:00July 16th, 2018|writer, Writer's Life, writing|0 Comments

Once people know you are a writer, they ask questions. Usually questions you’ve heard a thousand times before, and you’d think writers would have a quick answer ready.

Instead, most of us appear at a loss for words. Not because we don’t want to talk about our work. It’s just writing doesn’t lend itself to easy or simple answers.

Let me explain what I mean with responses to some frequently asked writerly questions.

  • “How’s the novel coming?”

There’s really no good answer for this one because writing a novel is a long, tedious process. It’s like asking a pregnant woman if she’s had the baby yet.

Lauren B. Davis calls novels wild, unwieldy beasts that resist being tamed. “You have to keep at it day after day, even when it seems like absolutely nothing good is happening,” she says.

On a good day, the answer to this question would be the novel’s coming along. On a not so good day, you don’t want to ask.

  • Are your stories autobiographical?

The short answer is, of course, we writers extract from our lives for the elements of our work. Sometimes we fictionalize and disguise, sometimes we write vivid memoirs and call them fiction.

Fact is everything and anything is inspiration and fodder for a writer’s creative mind, including dinner party conversations and the clothes you’re wearing.

And once that answer soaks in you’ll never look at a writer the same way again.

  • “Are you published?”

This is such a double-edged question.

Any published author has an easy answer. You should expect to be handed a business card with all pertinent information.

But be prepared. This question may also raise an infomercial about everything a writer’s written since learning the alphabet.

On the other hand, for writers who are submitting to editors and agents with little or no results, it can be like salt in an open wound. It’s hard not to be sensitive when you’re working so hard to grab the golden ring.

  • When’s the next book coming out?

Writers love this question. Well, I do, but it’s a complicated response because you have to understand the process.

First, a writer has to complete a draft (writer speed greatly influences draft completion). After which, revisions and edits begin (and there can be many, many of these).  Revisions and edits lead to more rewriting. A cover must be designed, back cover copy and blurbs prepared, and interior formatting done before the book finally goes on sale.The whole process can take years.

The answer depends on where a writer is in this publication process.

I’m not saying you should never ask questions. Quite the contrary, please do. We writers love to discuss our passion. Just understand when our answers aren’t quick and simple.

13 07, 2018

Paper or Digital?

By |2018-07-13T08:43:21-05:00July 13th, 2018|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|0 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

One of my goals this summer was to learn to play the organ. My finger injury forced me to put that on hold.

Instead I tackled all the piles of things that appeared during the school year.  This included magazines most of which I had saved because they had recipes I wanted to try.

Along with children’s books and chickens I also collect recipes.  I tear them out of magazines, cut them out of the paper and print them from Facebook.  This has led to piles of papers to go with my piles of magazines and music.

I considered taking pictures of the recipes and storing them digitally on my phone.  There are two problems with this plan:

  1. My phone goes to sleep before I am finished with the recipe. I had this problem with a BBQ ribs recipe I was using on July 4th.  Trying to touch the screen often enough to keep it awake while cooking was more than I could handle.
  2. The phone does not fit on my recipe holder.

So I’ll keep my paper recipes and my transition into the 21st century will have to take a detour.

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