Friday on the Miller Farm

26 07, 2024


By |2024-07-24T15:01:21-05:00July 26th, 2024|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|0 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

Our son-in-law is a pilot which is cool. It means we can fly standby at a reduced rate anywhere in the world. It also means he is away from home for several days at a time.

His son Alex’s birthday party was on Saturday. Beekeeper Brian and I drove up to help celebrate and had planned to come right back. Then Caleb had to work, and Catherine was performing in a Basically Beethoven concert so they asked if I could stay and watch the boys.

Of course, I agreed. The plan was for me to catch a flight home on Sunday night or Monday morning, depending on which flight had seats.

We discovered early Sunday afternoon that the evening flight was full, and I was number 5 on the standby list. We checked the Monday morning flight. I would be number 4 on the list. As much as I love our grandkids, I didn’t want to spend all week waiting for an available flight.

Catherine, who has learned out of necessity how to shift plans, suggested we take the boys to a zoo about halfway between their house and ours. Beekeeper Brian could pick me up there and take me the rest of the way home. Great plan!

He was telling Rachel about the plan, and she decided she wanted to see her nephews and go to the zoo also. So, she drove up to meet us at the zoo. Even better, it kept Brian from having to make the partial trip so soon after the birthday celebration.

The weather forecast for that Monday was for rain. We explored indoor options but when we woke up there was no rain, so we loaded up and went to the zoo. Rainy weather would just add to the adventure.

We saw fish, a stingray, an alligator, and an elephant among other things.






After about an hour, it began to rain. We quickly made our way back to the car and went to have lunch. Catherine had brought dry clothes for the boys, so they slept comfortably on the way back to their house. Rachel drove me back to the house where Beekeeper Brian was glad to see me.

Sometimes when plans change, it turns into an adventure. I’d call that serendipity.

19 07, 2024


By |2024-07-18T17:31:29-05:00July 19th, 2024|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|0 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

We had a friend visit from Africa recently. His visit has forever changed the way I look at life.

Every time we got into the car, he commented on how nice the roads were. They are smooth and wide and not closed due to fighting.

The state has put a median down the middle of one of our major roads. This has caused unbelievable complaining – letters to the editor, protests, petitions. People here must now plan their routes based on where they can turn left. People in Africa must plan their routes based on which roads are being blocked by militant groups with machine guns.

I think about that when I am tempted to complain about medians.

As we drove to Dallas, we passed fields of cows. Our friend was surprised to see them grazing unattended. In his hometown, all animals must be guarded against theft – 24 hours a day. Unattended animals are stolen.

I think about this as I close the chicken coop at night and climb into bed. The only threat they face is raccoons or hawks.

While we were visiting the grandsons, Alex built an elaborate zoo using all his plastic animals.

When my grandson left the room, our friend got down on the floor and looked closely at the animals. He picked up a rhinoceros and asked what it was called. He mentioned how fortunate Alex was to have these toy animals to help him learn what real animals look like. Children in his town must use their imagination.

I will remember that as I try not to trip on the toys when I am there this weekend.

Then there was the food he had never had – hot dogs, peaches…

I took him to the library where he asked if people could buy the books there. We think nothing of checking books out regularly.

A trip to the local feed store revealed rows of beds and toys for pet dogs. I couldn’t help but be a little embarrassed at the luxury our pets are afforded.

He never complained about his living situation. He simply said that it was difficult. He has learned dependence on God in a way I will never have to.

I wish I could share more details and pictures. Doing so could put him and his family at risk. If certain people in his country knew he’d been to the US, they might seek him out to rob him or kidnap his wife or children. It is a very difficult life indeed.

I pray these images do not fade from my mind too soon. And I pray every day for my brothers and sisters in Africa.

12 07, 2024

Simple Things

By |2024-07-09T20:03:38-05:00July 12th, 2024|Friday on the Miller Farm, Make Me Think Monday|1 Comment

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

I have had the privilege of being with our grandsons several times in the past month. Sometimes they were at our house, other times I was at their house. Sometimes Mom and Dad were there, sometimes just Mom, and sometimes just Grandma.

In every situation, there was much laughter and joy.

At our house, our bathroom has a pocket door that pulls out from the wall. Theo was fascinated by the latch.

I turned the knob and it disappeared. I turned it again and it reappeared. We spent about 15 minutes playing “peek-a-boo” with the door latch.

Such simple joy!


At his house, Theo has learned to climb on Alex’s lofted bed. When the lamp is on, his shadow appears on the wall. It makes a great playmate. I joined in with my shadow. Simple joy!

Then we went to the park at the end of their street. Alex insisted on going to the “tunnel” to show me what his Daddy taught him. It was a drainage pipe and if you shouted into it, you could hear the echo.

I soon found myself crouching down beside him and shouting into the “tunnel” to experience the simple joy of an echo.

I think growing up is highly overrated. Children know much better how to enjoy simple things.

28 06, 2024

His Own Flock

By |2024-06-25T09:09:50-05:00June 28th, 2024|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|0 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

A friend recently messaged that she was decreasing her flock and asked if we would like some more chickens. We didn’t hatch or raise any chicks this spring, so we took her up on the offer.

We brought home three Leghorns who are laying and four Wyandotte who are a little younger. We added them to our flock at night. We have found that to be the best way to integrate new birds. They wake up in a new place and think that is where they have been all along.

The four Wyandotte seemed a little timid at first. Then one of our roosters adopted them and showed them the ropes. He makes sure they get into the coop at night and protects them from the larger birds during the day.

He seems to enjoy having his own flock. And I don’t have to worry about the younger birds. It is a win-win situation.

21 06, 2024

Random Songs

By |2024-06-20T09:16:31-05:00June 21st, 2024|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|0 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

Most things in life remind me of a song. If one does not readily come to mind, I make one up. Our children have grown up doing the same thing. Our middle daughter, who teaches kindergarten, has a whole repertoire of songs for use throughout her day. My husband even breaks out into random songs now. I consider myself wildly successful!

I get my musical randomness from my father. He knows even more songs than I do.

I remember listening to some of them on reel-to-reel tapes. Recently he sent me a video of the song “You Can’t Roller Skate in a Buffalo Herd.”

It was new to me, and I instantly loved it.

I bought the sheet music and my choir made up verses and a video to go with it.  The kids thought it was goofy, but I treasure that video.

When we last visited my father-in-law, Brian took him out to run errands. When I commented on their quick return, Brian jokingly said “Dad didn’t want to go roller skating.”

His dad’s response was “We couldn’t find a buffalo herd.”

I laughed and laughed.

As we were going through his dad’s vinyl records, we found this album:

It has the song “You Can’t Roller Skate in a Buffalo Herd” on it.

I have added it to my collection of treasures.

14 06, 2024

Final Project

By |2024-06-10T10:28:48-05:00June 14th, 2024|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|0 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

I have been blessed to teach both private piano students and classroom music for the last 16 years. I’ve known that I could not keep both jobs forever. The schedule is too demanding. Every year I ask God what I should do.

This year, He made it clear to me that it is time for me to leave the classroom and focus on my family and my private students. It was a difficult year but there are always challenges in teaching. This year, however, the challenges began to overtake the joys. It is time to step away.

My principal asked me to reconsider and talk to him again at the end of June. I agreed although I do not anticipate changing plans. I did not say anything to the students. Perhaps that was cowardly, but I prefer to think of it as self-protection.

I am the only music teacher they have had for 6 years so saying goodbye would have been difficult.

I had an idea back in April for a project to celebrate Earth Day. The students were planting flowers in the flower beds along the sidewalk. I suggested we all paint rocks to put along the edge – like a caterpillar. It didn’t happen during April, and I was determined to get it done. I thought it would make a great memory for years to come.

So, on my last day of teaching music, I painted rocks with all 133 of my students. They each chose whether to paint the rock blue or yellow. When they dried, the students could write or draw on them with permanent markers. Then on their way to dismissal, they could put their rocks in the flower bed.

It turned out nice.

I had enough rocks for the teachers to paint one. When we left on the last day, I was the only one who added to the rock caterpillar.


It was important to me to leave a lasting memory as my final project.

7 06, 2024

Send Help!

By |2024-06-06T07:54:47-05:00June 7th, 2024|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|0 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

I am staying with our grandsons while their parents go on a mini vacation this week. We were at the playground by 9:00 the first morning.

After the customary time on the swings, Theo announced, “I’m going to play in the cage” and ran to the dome-shaped monkey bars. He easily climbed through and then called to me “Come in, Grandma.”

We were the only ones in the park, and I was fairly certain no one was watching from their window so I very ungracefully climbed through the bars – without landing on the ground, I might add.

As soon as I maneuvered into the center where I could stand up, I turned around. Theo had climbed out to get Alex.

I have been bamboozled by a two-year-old. Send help!

31 05, 2024

Volunteer Pumpkin Patch

By |2024-05-28T14:20:13-05:00May 31st, 2024|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|0 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

There is a vine growing just outside the chicken yard. It has pretty yellow flowers that look like squash blossoms.

Bill was at the house this week and asked about the plant. When I couldn’t identify it, he looked it up. It turns out that it is a pumpkin plant.

I was very excited until he told me there must be a male and female plant to produce fruit.

Then I discovered another vine closer to the front gate

Maybe this one is the mate of the other one.

Perhaps we can have our own pumpkin patch by Fall!

17 05, 2024

Transplanting Flowers

By |2024-05-16T08:53:54-05:00May 17th, 2024|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|0 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

My father-in-law had some beautiful amaryllis in his yard. Since there was an abundance, we decided to dig some up to transplant in our yard.

As I sat in the flower bed with a shovel, I looked up and saw the fire hydrant on the corner. I thought about the time Alex and I walked around the block counting fire hydrants.

The For Sale sign next to the fire hydrant reminded me it was the end of that era.

No more visits to see Opa.

I continued digging and accidentally cut the stem of one of the amaryllis. It looked like it was bleeding.

For a moment, I felt a connection with this plant.

My heart was bleeding also.

I brought the plants home and planted them around our mailbox. They appear to be making the transition well. I know our family will also transition. It may just take a little longer.

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