On a recent road trip together, Chicken Wrangler Sara and I were discussing an editorial titled “Head Space” by Stephen Orr in the August edition of Better Homes and Garden magazine.
Orr pointed out that everywhere you look people are on their smart phones. Not just in public places, it happens in our homes, at school, and at our places of worship.
He points out our “tiny glass pocket computers” are putting us on information overload and stealing head space we need to think and process.
Everything he said is sad, but true.
His solution is to put the phones down, pause, and give our head space some room to think. He says, “Real thoughts-your own thoughts-will start seeping back in” when you do.
Sara and I agreed our own head space is overloaded and not just from cell phone usage. We decided that Stephen Orr’s advice seemed like a good way to recharge.
We’re taking a PAUSE for the month of August from cell phones and blogging.
We’ll return on September 10 with clearer head space and fresh adventures to share.
In the meantime, you can find six years’ worth of reading material in the archives. Simply scroll down the column on the right and use the site’s search option.
We’ll miss you, but admire your resolve.