
10 06, 2024

Distractions and Writers’ Success

By |2024-06-05T08:54:22-05:00June 10th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

As summer begins, distractions abound for writers. Excuses/distractions will keep too many writers from their work.

Self-discipline will give way to sunny days sitting poolside or reading under the shade of an oak tree.

Other things will always distract too. Family. Work. Social Media. Travel. The list goes on.

It is hard to stay focused without self-discipline.

Zimmerman & Kitsantas (2014) defined self-discipline as conscious control oriented towards successful outcomes by overcoming obstacles or impediments.

Self-discipline includes planning, self-monitoring, and sustained effort.

Not me, Not my dog, but you get the idea.

Lately, I confess I’ve been less than self-disciplined about my writing.

For very, very legitimate reasons, of course. Aren’t excuses always legitimate in our minds?

What’s slipping is my self-discipline.

I haven’t spent enough time at my computer with my work in process. A manuscript normally takes me around four months to complete. I’ve been working on this one since before Christmas and the first draft is not finished yet!

I’ve let other things keep me from my butt in a chair, fingers on the keyboard routine. I’m determined to refocus and get back on track with my word count.

Have a problem with your self-discipline like me? Want to get back on track too?

Check out the terrific tips in these blogs:

Kristen Lamb:  Traits of the Successful Author: Self Discipline.

K.M. Weiland          How to Get Some Writing Done: Discipline vs. Enthusiasm

Writing discipline: 7 strategies to keep writing your novel

Let’s go!

22 03, 2024

Lifelong Learning

By |2024-03-19T17:54:31-05:00March 22nd, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

A blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

Our church recently hosted our annual Spring Break Bible Camp.  It has evolved over the years, and now we meet at the land where our building will be. This year we have a pavilion so the threat of rain was not worrisome.

One of the activities is run by a family that has developed a science curriculum.  Actually, it is more than just a curriculum.  They have renovated an Airstream to be a mobile science lab.  It is really neat to see this program expand. https://www.sciencebetweenthepages.com/homepage.html

They planned projects to reinforce the concept taught at the beginning of the evening.

Tuesday night we talked about how we cannot see God but can see evidence that He is there.  It is like the wind so for our science project, the younger students made wind socks. The older kids made anemometers.

That was a new word for me and I have tried to use it as often as possible.  An anemometer is a device that measures wind speed.

We used two straws, four small dixie cups, a pencil, and a straight pin. It was so  fun!

I was reminded of our principal who always encourages students to be lifelong learners.  I, for one, am taking his advice to heart.

1 12, 2023

Thankful for Parks

By |2023-11-30T08:25:09-06:00December 1st, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

Our grandsons brought their mother to see us the week of Thanksgiving.

They arrived on Monday evening. Tuesday, we drove to see their great-grandfather. It was quite an adventure.

The boys are now three and a half and eighteen months old. And they are boys – in constant motion. Opa had some fire trucks and a monster truck to add to the collection of toys Mom packed for them. They still needed room to run so we went to the neighborhood park tucked away behind all the houses.

There was no path to it so we traipsed through the grass. It was well worth the effort. The park had a marsh theme with structures, unlike any park we visited. There was a dragonfly whose wings made a seesaw.

There was also a puzzle that had frogs to put into the slots on lily pads and move around the pond. Alex really liked that.

Theo was unsure, however, about the lily pads connecting the parts of the playground. Maybe next year.

Back at Grandma and Pawpaw’s, we visited another park designed for people of all ages and abilities.

It is completely fenced in with double gates so we were comfortable letting the boys loose to run.

Their favorite part was the conveyor belt-like apparatus that allowed them to run, or crawl, in place.


Alex also enjoyed the train. Theo just liked running around.  We had such a wonderful time.

I am very thankful for parks!

27 10, 2023

Trash or Treasure

By |2023-10-25T16:58:23-05:00October 27th, 2023|Uncategorized|2 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

I have a friend who is an art teacher. We worked together at a small private school for many years. When the school closed abruptly, we started to meet with other teachers every week at the local Dairy Queen to grieve together. Over time, we each moved on but we continued to meet and talk about life.

I’ve learned much from my friend. She has a unique way of looking at things and I find myself seeing the things around me with new eyes. She sees potential in many things, students included which is what makes her a great teacher.  It also makes her a great friend.

An ordinary leaf becomes a dancer or a bottle cap becomes an earring. I started taking her things to use in her creations. Most recently, I took a piece of cardboard that had been part of the packaging for something.

It was too interesting to simply recycle. I thought it looked like a spine – perhaps because we have been learning the rhythms of the poem Skeleton Parade by Jack Prelutsky.

I took it to our Dairy Queen meeting and we set it on the table. We sat and discussed the cardboard, turning it in all directions, for 15 minutes or more.

My friend saw a building and the other friend saw a set of jaws.

At one point, the manager, who we know from our regular visits, came out to see what we were looking at.

He thought we were playing a game like Jenga.

This is what I love about my friend. She has taught me to be inspired by a piece of cardboard.

My friend and her husband recently bought a house in a nearby town. It turns out to be the house she grew up in. But that’s another story for another time.

Eventually, they will move. I will miss our weekly meetings. I may have to take road trips periodically to see her.

And, of course, take her interesting treasures to sit and discuss.

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