January is the time for making resolutions for the New Year. Resolutions never works for me. Too vague.
If you read this blog regularly, you know I’m big on measurable goal setting and AARs.
However, if you are one of those who does make resolutions and need some hints and tips, check out this blog.
No resolutions for me this year, but I have done my yearly ARR– after action review – and posted my 2015 goals to my accountability group.
I was pleasantly surprised during my review to discover 2014 was a good goal year.
All the work on our house was completed. Landscaping changed the mountains of dirt from the remodel and addition to flower gardens and lovely walks. We ended the year with the hammers and saws stopped and the workers are all gone.
Goal success.
I managed two releases Claiming Annie’s Heart and When Love Blooms. You can find both at all major on line book retailers for your e-readers or paperback.
Unfortunately, my writing goal was to release three books. Goal failure.
Yep! That’s the thing about goals. Sometimes we’re spot on. Sometimes we do all we can and fall short. Trouble is without goals we lack focus and too frequently flounder aimlessly.
We need to set goals then analyze why we fail AND why we succeed.
Not hard for me to know why my third book didn’t materialize. Last November I fell while playing Pickleball and broke my right wrist. Typing became, and still is, slow and sometimes painful.
I’m not beating myself up too much over the goal bust since what happened was a circumstance beyond my control. Well, mostly.
There are those who have aptly pointed out, trying to be athletic at this stage in my life maybe be a foolish goal and suggest I might want to eliminate such activity in the future instead of risking more injuries. I’ve taken the suggestion under consideration.
We’re twelve days into 2015. It’s cold, rainy, freezing in Texas. Colorado is sunny, bright, and snowless. Not the norm.Seems to me this is going to be a crazy year based on the start of things.
I’ve set my goals for the New Year and I’m going full speed ahead. What about you?
Let’s check back together this time next year and seem how we’ve done on our resolutions and goals.
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