Bye, Bye Summer
Another summer is about over. Labor Day is coming.
Fall will officially arrive on September 22, 2022, at 9:03 pm EDT.
Every year at the end of August this one-time schoolteacher becomes a little nostalgic. I’m not saying I’d want to be back teaching in a classroom again. Not with the challenges teachers face today.
Once the back-to-school chatter begins, I can’t stop a part of me from missing the excitement of setting up my classroom and seeing the eager young faces.
I swallow the lump in my throat from memories when I spot a school bus and send up a prayer for a “really good year” for the bus driver, the kids, and the teacher waiting in the classroom.
Back-to-school this year meant three grandchildren headed off the college. One to Arizona, one to Missouri, and one to San Antonio. Two others continue honing their craft as electricians and auto mechanics. The youngest granddaughter continues her homeschooling toward high graduation.
The most exciting thing about this year’s back-to-school is another granddaughter follows her mom, Chicken Wrangler Sara aka music teacher, and me into her classroom as a first-year teacher.
Another granddaughter will continue her teaching career at a new school. Say a little prayer for both of them and all teachers.
August is more than back to school though, it’s the freshness of new beginnings. A time of changes. A mid-year New Year’s Day.
I’m looking forward to the new season. What about you?