Texas is a seasonless place. Life here is lived in a constant tropical sun. It puts you in a constant state of seasonal disorientation.
I’m not complaining merely stating fact. I live here by choice.
The lack of the brilliant bursts of color on the trees to signal fall has arrived means using other clues for the shift from summer to fall.
Here in Texas the back-to-school sensation of September is what marks fall’s beginning.
The temperatures aren’t going to change until maybe December. It’s the excitement of back-to-school sales and the sound of the yellow school buses in the morning that mean the season is changing.
As a kid, I loved going back to school. Seeing friends, getting new school clothes and shoes. Fresh new notebooks with all those empty pages waiting to be filled and sparkly new pencils waiting to be sharpened. It was an exciting time for me.
Now, flipping the calendar to September still brings that anticipation of new adventures. It’s a turning point, not only signaling the arrival of fall but also new beginnings.
A New Year means making resolutions. September is a time to assess progress. Where are we? How much further do we want to go?
Summer with its freedom from routine and laziness is over. Fall is the time to harness the momentum of back-to-school excitement and make a positive push forward.
Do you get that “back-to-school” sensation in September?
Fall = new school year! It’s been 13 years since I taught second grade. In August I bought boxes of pencils and notebooks and glue sticks and Clorox wipes (for desktops and door knobs) when the sales were on! I plan to donate these to my grandsons’ teachers eventually. I remember how supplies get low before December!
I think all ex-school teachers get a bit nostalgic at the start of a new school year. I sure do. What a great idea to help out your grandsons’ teachers. I’m going to start doing that.
Bookstores! I love the feel, the smell, of the college bookstores. All new pages waiting for me to mark up and fold over. That’s fall to me.