School bells will soon be ringing. In some places, the bells already signal the beginning of the new school year.
Everywhere parents and kids are hoping for a really good year. I’m offering some tips today from fictional teachers that will make that happen.
In my latest sweet romance series, The Fitzpatrick Family where each of eight preacher kids has his or her own romance story, books one and two are about school teachers.
Andy Fitzpatrick of When Love Blooms is a special education teacher working with at-risk high school students.
Becca Fitzpatrick of When Love Returns is a middle school teacher with aspirations to be the school principal. No spoilers here. You’ll have to read the book.
Brother and sister put their heads together and came up with these five tips to help make this school year an all-round success.
• Before that first day, take a virtual tour of the school with your child and/or visit the school’s website. You’ll find a wealth of information to speed the process and avoid awkward first-day moments.
• Plan a “bus stop breakfast” for your elementary age child on the first day of school. Nothing fancy, simple is best. Becca thinks it’s a great way to start any school day.
• Take your pre-teen or teen to the local mall and splurge on a new outfit. Andy reminds us that wearing what’s trendy is especially important at this age.
• No matter what their age, encourage your child to reach out and introduce themselves. They’ll make new friends so much faster. On the flip side, remind your child to reach out to any new kids.
• At the end of the first day, be sure to ask how the day went or meet the bus then share an after-school snack.
The Fitzpatrick teachers wish all the students, teachers, and staffs a safe and productive new school year. And, so do I.
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