Make Me Think Monday

14 09, 2015

Is author self-promotion different from any other promoting?

By |2015-08-25T08:17:26-05:00September 14th, 2015|Make Me Think Monday|1 Comment


SOURCE: This is Beirut blog, November 15, 2010

Writing is a profession. Authors have products to promote – their books.

A fly-fishing guide in our town has fish mounts in his shop and pictures of trophy catches with his clients. Doctors, dentists, and other medical professionals hang diplomas and certifications on their office walls.

Is either of them bragging or boasting?  I don’t think so. They are doing self- promoting. Those pictures and diplomas say, “I know from experience.”

So why is self-promotion difficult if you’re an author?

I believe two things stop us from promoting our books like the medical professionals hang diplomas or talking about our books like our fly-fishing guide.

First, the negative connotation of “self-promotion.” Second, an ingrained fear of being called a braggart.

An examination of words associated with self-promotion may help ease our hesitancy and help clarify the differences between being a braggart and simply promoting our work.

BRAG means making pompous or boastful statements; arrogant talk or manner; cockiness. A braggart is one who asserts boastfully.

We’ve all encountered the overzealous author with his stack of books under his arm harassing us into buying a copy of his new book. It’s too much and such behavior is what gives self-promotion its negative connotation. Bragging and pushiness to sell our books is not productive promotion.

SHARE means to partake of, use, experience, occupy, or enjoy with others. The operative word here is with.

Most of us look for the validation of a merchant’s product and want proof of a doctor’s expertise. If they don’t share the information, we don’t know. As authors, if we don’t share about our books, others don’t know about our accomplishments. I personally enjoy sharing work of my creative friends whether that work is a book, a painting, or a quilt.

PROMOTE is to encourage the sales, acceptance, etc., of (a product), especially through advertising or other publicity. It’s the means of seeking buyer approval. That’s not a bad thing because the final decision remains with the buyer.

So when authors don’t do self-promotions, aren’t we cheating ourselves? I think so.

What do you think?

7 09, 2015

Spying, people watching, or doing research?

By |2015-09-07T08:59:11-05:00September 7th, 2015|Make Me Think Monday|0 Comments



As a writer, I classify peeking through the blinds research whether I have a dust rag in my hand or not. Neither do I count eavesdropping and people watching as spying.

What better methods to gather data for my stories. I’m able to notice idiosyncrasies, speech patterns, body language, find clothing ideas, and observe relationship interactions. All of which provide great inspiration for my characters and their stories.

writer teeSometimes I wear my warning shirt.

Sometimes I don’t.


I’m not asking for actual responses, but I’m guessing many of you are guilty of dust rag spying or eavesdropping or people watching too.

I’m a writer that’s my excuse. What’s yours?

31 08, 2015

BETWEEN – The space linking THE END and what now

By |2015-08-22T17:21:10-05:00August 31st, 2015|Make Me Think Monday|0 Comments

betweenI’m BETWEEN right now like the bird in the graphic. You know, that space separating two points, objects, etc.

My new book released this month, which gave me a great sense of accomplishment and relief. I met a goal.

At the same time, the accomplishment thrust me into a BETWEEN space wondering what now.

I’m not alone. In talking to other writers and friends, so many confess to being BETWEEN – between inspirations, between books, between projects, between jobs.

BETWEEN can be an uncomfortable space. Many say it’s like a fog knowing there’s something beyond, yet struggling to see what that next thing is.

BETWEEN can freeze us if we forget life’s a trip through each day, each week, and each year. As writers, we travel page by page, book by book.

At the same time, BETWEEN offers a period of awareness. Like almost anything meaningful in life, it’s about perspective. Time in this space allows us to pause and evaluate where we are and where we want to be.

The space should motivate us because we have options. What comes next depends on our individual decisions.

We choose our own path. Our individual paths will vary. Same as our writer’s journeys differ. Today’s publishing world is all about innovation and pushing the envelope to put remarkable stories in readers’ hands. We have so many options for what now at the end our BETWEEN space.

For me, BETWEEN is a temporary holding pattern, a hiatus where I can catch my breath before charging ahead with the next thing.

I already know what’s now for me – the next writing project.

I recently attended a Power Plotting Weekend with Mary Buckham, USA Today best-selling author and writing teacher extraordinaire, and plotted three (3) projects. I’m pumped and ready to go.

YOUR TURN: What about you? Are you in the space BETWEEN or in what’s now stage of your journey?

17 08, 2015

Five Back-to-School Tips for a Good School Year

By |2015-08-17T14:38:20-05:00August 17th, 2015|Make Me Think Monday|0 Comments

School bells will soon be ringing. In some places, the bells already signal the beginning of the new school year.

Everywhere parents and kids are hoping for a really good year. I’m offering some tips today from fictional teachers that will make that happen.

In my latest sweet romance series, The Fitzpatrick Family where each of eight preacher kids has his or her own romance story, books one and two are about school teachers.

WLB_cover_2015_100x150Andy Fitzpatrick of When Love Blooms is a special education teacher working with at-risk high school students.

WLR_cover_100x150Becca Fitzpatrick of When Love Returns is a middle school teacher with aspirations to be the school principal. No spoilers here. You’ll have to read the book.

Brother and sister put their heads together and came up with these five tips to help make this school year an all-round success.

• Before that first day, take a virtual tour of the school with your child and/or visit the school’s website. You’ll find a wealth of information to speed the process and avoid awkward first-day moments.

• Plan a “bus stop breakfast” for your elementary age child on the first day of school. Nothing fancy, simple is best. Becca thinks it’s a great way to start any school day.

• Take your pre-teen or teen to the local mall and splurge on a new outfit. Andy reminds us that wearing what’s trendy is especially important at this age.

• No matter what their age, encourage your child to reach out and introduce themselves. They’ll make new friends so much faster. On the flip side, remind your child to reach out to any new kids.

• At the end of the first day, be sure to ask how the day went or meet the bus then share an after-school snack.

The Fitzpatrick teachers wish all the students, teachers, and staffs a safe and productive new school year. And, so do I.

10 08, 2015

Fall’s Lure for Writers

By |2015-08-12T21:44:35-05:00August 10th, 2015|Make Me Think Monday|2 Comments

It is the summer’s great last heat,
It is the fall’s first chill: They meet.

Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt

Labor Day is two weeks away. This year’s Fall Equinox will arrive on September 23, 4:21 A.M. EDT

Here in my part of the woods, the days are growing shorter and the mornings turning chilly.

I’m a former teacher so fall brings nostalgia   But not because I’m longing to be back in a classroom again. To be a teacher again, I’d have to give up too much time and energy I prefer to devote to my writing.

Still, fall will always be one of my favorite times of year because it means

  • less summertime activity to distract me from writing projects
  • school supply sales

WalmartNothing jumpstarts my creativity like a fresh notebook and a sharp new pencil or a bright colored pen.

Never mind, I have plenty of pencils, pens, and notebooks. There’s something compelling about the blank page and a sparkly new pencil.

Plus, who can resist a sale!

Writers, does fall charge you or challenge you?

3 08, 2015

Which do you use after a period – one space or two?

By |2015-07-29T12:07:53-05:00August 3rd, 2015|Make Me Think Monday|0 Comments

typistIf you’re like me, you learned to hit the space bar twice when you used a period at the end of a sentence. That was the norm when I took typing and when I taught keyboarding. Not any more.

These days, most publications recommend using just one space.

I hear your groans. Your complaints: “but I’ve always” or “I like the distinction between sentences/thoughts that two spaces offer.” There are any number of other reasons to oppose the change.

So why switch from one space to two spaces?

Well, for one thing, it’s the new rule. You’ll find these major style guides recommend one space after a period.

The Chicago Manual of Style
US Government Printing Office Style Manual
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
AP Stylebook

Changing won’t be hard. It’s just a matter of retraining that thumb to live in a one-space world. You can do it.

Using a word processor, you can correct spacing on already written documents with the search-and-replace function. To make the spacing permanent for future word documents, click on the Grammar/Style option, then select the option one space after the period.

Once you’ve retrained yourself or reset your word processor, typesetters (yes, typesetters still exist) and formatters will love you. You’ll cut their workload. Now, every time they find two spaces after a period, they must delete one of the spaces.

You can see more about the whys of the change from two spaces to one here.

Will you break the rule or embrace the new rule?

6 07, 2015

Using Our July 4th Freedoms

By |2015-07-06T16:50:29-05:00July 6th, 2015|Make Me Think Monday|0 Comments

Last weekend we celebrated the day Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin signed the Declaration of Independence.


That document begins:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. 

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Because of that document, we can celebrate a lot of freedoms in America. Freedom of speech. Freedom to worship. Freedom to do what we believe leads to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

We also enjoy certain rights. Rights guaranteed by our Constitution. Check here for the complete list.

Sometimes we tend to forget those freedoms and rights did not come by chance. Those freedoms came though the blood of soldiers.

Because we’re also human, we tend to be selfish with our freedoms and rights.

We speak words that tear others down.

We worship the false idols of fame and pleasure.

We pursue whatever makes us feel better–and mow down anyone or anything that gets in our way.

Are there better ways to use our freedoms and rights?

I believe so.

So does Holly Gerth, who suggests we begin with the highest freedom—LOVE. 4th

29 06, 2015

Lazy, crazy days of summer

By |2020-07-14T08:44:43-05:00June 29th, 2015|Make Me Think Monday|0 Comments

summer-wooden-sign_23-2147511248Crazy days – I agree. No schedule. Letting the time flow.

Lazy days – not so much. Well, not around our little neck of the woods, anyway.

Summer here in the Rio Grande National Forest can get busy…chaotic. That’s what’s happened so far this year and the reason the Voice from the Front Porch has been quiet. Lots to do, so little time to write!

It’s only the end of June and so far this summer…

summer flowersWe spent hours gardening. Installed a fire pit for cooking hot dogs and s’mores and summer evening sing-a-longs. Our new neighbor plays the harmonica. How cool is that! And, we added a basketball goal for more summer fun.basketballfirepit

We traveled to Texas for a graduation. Congratulations, Matthew on a job well done. Cum Laude over four years of high school is not an easy accomplishment. You did it!

girls2We entertained three very active visitors from Minnesota for a week. We dubbed them the Frolicking Princesses because every evening they climbed the mountain behind our house to watch the sunset. I kept up with them (barely), but once we dropped them at the airport, I came straight home for a long nap. Eagerly awaiting their next visit!

MikeWe spent a weekend with a very good friend and business associate of my husband’s. Spent hours on the front porch catching up and remembering good times. I think we have another South Fork fan. He’s ready to retire and leave hot, humid Houston for some cool mountain air. He took home our realtor’s card.

Busy times, crazy times and so much fun. How’s your summer been going?

In between all the fun and frolicking, I’ve actually found writing time. I’ll have a new release by end of summer titled When Love Returns, book two in the Fitzpatrick Family Series. Keep watching for the cover reveal!

I’m looking forward to July and August, how about you?

25 05, 2015

Wrangling A Persistent Robin

By |2015-05-25T06:00:27-05:00May 25th, 2015|Make Me Think Monday|1 Comment

Springtime – fresh sprouts popping out of the ground. Birds singing and gathering at the feeders. It’s such a happy time.


Living in a national forest, we have lots of different birds. Most fun to watch.

Some not so much.

waitingThe robin that came to occupy our backyard has not been fun.

Thump, thump, thump. He flies over and over into the large picture window in my kitchen.

I turned on the kitchen light hoping to diffuse the reflection from the trees on the mountain behind the house and a technique supposed to discourage him.

I figured by the time the dogs and I returned from our morning walk he’d be long gone. Wrong!

All through our breakfast, the determined little redbreast thumped against the window. Not hard like he’d miscalculated the needed thrust to flyover the house. Soft like he was trying to land on a branch he saw in the glass.

He never hit hard enough to fall only to flutter away and try again. Still I worried he’d knock himself senseless.

We had researched ways to deter birds from the plate glass after we first moved to the national forest and two birds died when they crashed into it. Short of shuttering the window, which would totally block the view (the reason we installed the large picture windows in the first place) nothing seem to stop this crazy robin.

Whenever robin perched on the crab apple tree, I’d fling open the kitchen door and frighten him away. This seemed to work so I spent the next four hours working in the backyard flowerbeds.

The robin stayed away…

Until I went inside to write and the thump, thump, thump began again. In desperation, I nailed a sheet over the kitchen picture

All was quiet again…

Until he started flying into the dining room window, which I note has a blind that is supposed to discourage window bashing.

Not for this robin.

Thump, thump, thump. I stomp out and Mr. Robin watches me hang a sheet over that window.

Undeterred, as soon as I’m inside, he starts bashing the small bathroom window. Thump, thump, thump.

Out I go again and Robin watches me covered the bathroom window.

By now it’s getting dark… very dark inside the house with the picture windows draped… and robin goes to wherever his nest is for the night.

No thumping the next morning. Thrilled that I’d won, the dogs and I left for our walk. Unleashing them when I returned, I heard the dreaded thump, thump, thump.

cornerThe dining room sheet had slipped to expose a tiny triangle of reflection. Mr. Robin was once again determined to come inside.

I trouped outside, adjusted the sheet, all the while shouting to the infuriating robin that I did not want to have to take drastic measures so he’d best move on.

I was not happy because with my lovely picture windows blocked I can’t see the other birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and deer in my backyard.

post watchingMr. Robin perched on the stair rail waiting for me to take down the sheets, I guess.

I saw him every time I passed the kitchen door, which also has a small window. (A window that said robin ignores.)

I opened the kitchen door and gave the ultimate threat: “I’m not living forever with my windows covered. Don’t make me get the pellet gun!”

Not sure who’s won — the robin or me.

For five days now, the picture windows have remained covered. So far, Mr. Robin is nowhere to be seen.

I’ll let you know what happens when we take the window coverings down.

11 05, 2015

Mother’s Day 2015

By |2018-02-02T07:16:11-06:00May 11th, 2015|Holidays, Make Me Think Monday|0 Comments

mother's dayYesterday was Mother’s Day. The day set aside to honor mothers and motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society.

For many women it was a happy day, spent surrounded by children and grandchildren.

For others, the day was probably not so fun. Not everyone is a mother. To those, I remind you of this quote by Oprah Winfrey

Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.

But, we all had a mother so we do have someone to celebrate on Mother’s Day.

Where did the idea to honor motherhood come from?

Its roots lie in the British Mothering Day, which disappeared when the English settlers came to America.

Then in 1870 Julia Ward Howe , author of The Battle Hymn of the Republic, conceptualized the idea of Mother’s Day in her Proclamation of 1870. Read the poem here.

In 1872, Howe asked for of a “Mother’s Day for Peace” celebration on June 2 of every year. Only a few states bought into Howe’s idea and eventually the movement died.

However, a West Virginia women’s group headed by Anna Reeves Jarvis adapted Howe’s holiday to be a day set aside to re-unite families and neighbors divided by the Civil War.

That Mother’s Friendship Day evolved into the Mothers’ Day we know and celebrated yesterday.

If you weren’t able to be with your mother, did you take up Groupon’s offer of a perfect child stand-in? For a mere $25,000, Groupon would send an actor to spend the day with your mom. It’s not a joke. Here’s the link.

If you forgot to acknowledge Mom yesterday, you can do it today. She’ll be thrilled to hear from you no matter what day it is.

Or you might check out Groupon. They may have another deal for honoring your Mother on the day after Mother’s Day.

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