A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

Last weekend was the Texas Music Educators Association Convention in San Antonio.

Thousands and thousands of music educators from across Texas gather and learn, perform, and peruse exhibits. This includes band directors, elementary and preschool music teachers, orchestra directors, and choir directors. It is the highlight of the year for most music teachers, me included.

Catherine, our oldest daughter, and I have gone together for the past few years.

This year, she asked us to help watch Alex while she worked at the Bocal Majority Booth in the exhibit hall since Caleb, her husband, was working and unable to attend. She has worked at this booth for several years in the past helping to sell oboes and bassoons along with the reeds needed for each.

I was already planning to go and since Beekeeper Brian has retired from full-time work, he went with me. It was a family affair.

It was tremendous fun for Catherine to introduce Alex to the people she has been working with since before he was born.

He also got to meet a baby bassoon.

Everyone is making predictions about what instrument he will choose.

Piano is a given as his first instrument. Who knows where he will go from there?