I’m always fascinated by where writers write and what their writing spaces look like. I enjoy looking at pictures of famous authors’ desk and writing spaces.

Some places where writers write are pretty awesome.

Charlotte Bronte’s Writing Space

This blog has some wonderful examples of famous writer’s offices.

Rudyard Kipling’s Writing Space
If you’re as fascinated by where writers write as I am, I recommend these sites. 

After thirty-three years of working in my old office, our recent move meant I had to create a new writing space.

The old room offered plenty of space for me, my writing assistant plus two desks-one for my laptop and one for my desktop, a Xerox machine, and multiple bookcases.


A complete world for my writing space.

Not so in our new location. This house has 1,200 square feet compared to 3,600 square feet in our old home. Needless to say, my new writing space is MUCH smaller.

SMALL isn’t the problem.

I can work in small spaces. I’ve written in cars, hotel rooms, on a train, and even on a cruise. All I need is spot for my computer or AlphaSmart.

But there’s something special about having my own office space. Now I’m using the smaller extra bedroom. Too bad the desk I brought with me was designed for a much larger space and the room already has a twin-sized trundle bed.

The real problem was finding places for all the extra-writing stuff—printers, files, reference and resource books, etc. No room for the tables, file cabinets, and bookcases. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

After weeks of placing things, my office writing space now looks like this. Plenty of room for my writing assistants and me.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWith my office set up again, I’m set to get back to some serious writing.

YOUR TURN: Do you have a writing office? If not, what is your writing space like?