Not Quite Empty Nest
A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara
Rachel recently moved to Huntsville to be closer to graduate school. After she left I discovered she had left some things – like the incubator. That made sense because her research was dealing with horses and they don’t need an incubator. I figured we would pass it on to another young chicken lover.
Well that is not exactly what happened. Beekeeper Brian filled the incubator with chicken and duck eggs. I was a little frustrated at first. I thought we were done hatching birds.
Then the first baby duck hatched.
It was so cute and I remembered how much I like baby birds.
Rachel was in town for a doctor appointment and stopped by. She thought the baby duck was lonely so she put a stuffed animal in with it.
Another one hatched today so now there are two. Eventually we will also have chicks.
So much for an empty nest!