A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara
Every summer I decide to work in the flower beds in the front yard. Of course, it is a million degrees, but I get them cleared and then school starts and the weeds overtake everything again.
This summer I was inspired by our neighbors raised beds in her front yard.
We have three raised beds in our front yard that previously had vegetables growing in them. Now they are full of grass and weeds.
I started on the right but discovered a whole planet of fire ants.
I moved on to the middle bed.
After clearing them, I got plants and seeds from a friend who has all native plants in her yard. I transplanted obedient plants and frog fruit. I also planted sunflowers and zinnias.
This past weekend, I checked on the last bed and the ants had moved on so I weeded it and planted marigolds, more sunflowers and black-eyed susans.
Since I am not working in the classroom this year, I am able to check on the flower beds every day. I water them and pull the grass that still thinks it belongs in these beds.
I’m hoping with more consistent care the beds will produce a variety of flowers that I can cut and bring inside.
Yet another reason to celebrate retirement!
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