Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara
8 – The number of dogs in the house – our 6 plus Miller and Jengo. These are the dogs we often keep while their owner is out of town. This is the first time to have them since acquiring Max and Penny – Tucker’s puppies.
7 – The number of people working out of our house. Rachel is housesitting elsewhere but comes by for meals. Matt and Catherine are home from college. Catherine brought her finance. Bill, our exchange student, is here along with Brian and me.
6 – The number of cars at our house the day Matt grilled ribs and steaks. He invited a friend to join the fun.
5 – The number of free roosters Brian agreed to take.
4 – The number of free roosters that actually made it into our cage. One escaped during transfer and was last seen flying down the street.
3 – The number of days Catherine and Caleb are here
2 – The number of nights Matt slept on the floor.
1 – The number of bee stings received this week – remarkable considering all the other numbers. Chicken Wrangler Sara’s ear was the recipient.
0 – the number of regrets I have about Spring Break.
Having a house full of chaos is how we roll on Miller Farm :)
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