A Guest Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara
I’ve come to the realization that white chickens are the most trouble to keep. At least that’s true of our white chickens.
If you remember, one of our white chickens went over the back fence and led us on a wild “chicken hunt.” If you don’t remember, read here.
Then there was the “hen in a hive” who laid her eggs in an empty bee hive for several weeks. Read all about that white hen here.
Fortunately, our white hens lay regularly and their eggs are extra large. It makes them worth the trouble.
One morning this week I went to open the coop and made this discovery:
The silly chicken had managed to get stuck in the quail cage.
She was quite distressed and kept pacing back and forth which is why the picture is so blurry.
While I was standing there one of the other birds landed on my shoulder on its way out of the coop. I forgot how uncoordinated chickens are first thing in the morning.
Of course, I was dressed for work, in a white shirt, which now had chicken prints on the shoulder. I wiped it off and hoped no one would notice – which they didn’t.
As I was putting on my swimsuit the next morning, I noticed a scratch on my shoulder.
That gives a new meaning to the term “chicken scratch.”
Glad you could start your day with a smile :-) One morning I’m going to remember to take my phone and video the chickens exiting the coop. (Of course I have to figure out how to do that first.) This morning one of the black hens did a nose dive into the yard.. She shook herself off and walked away like nothing ever happened. I suppose I would do the same thing if I survived a nose dive.
I vaguely remember Beth from three life times ago (my three children’s life times that is.)
As long as we have chickens, there will be stories. Check back next week to hear about our adventures “chicken sitting.”
Well Sara you make me smile first thing in the morning. It is just after 5 a.m. and already a smile. Thank you. My daughter Beth (perhaps you remember her, she might be close to your same age, she is 46) once said to one of her siblings: Perhaps you can get mom to talk about something besides chickens. You already taught me something on this early morning (I may be an old dog but I can still learn something) and that is that chickens are uncoordinated chickens are first thing in the morning. Perhaps I didn’t know that because I am also uncoordinated early in the morning and don’t get out to the chicken mansion early in the morning.
Keep the stories coming. I enjoy them. Connie Pratt a very long ago acquaintance.