September is the height of the hurricane season on the Texas Gulf coast. A month loaded with angst as we watch the weather forecasts. This year in particular it’s a nightmare.
Add the pandemic-induced mess of 2020 and I feel like I’m teetering on the brink of crazy.
Days run together. I lose track of what day it really is. My memory’s totally shot. Argh.
Recently, I inserted my Wii Fit DVD into the player to do my exercise. The disc wouldn’t run, I tried to eject said disk. It wouldn’t jump out.
After several failed attempts to get the disc out, I gave up. A short time later, Hubby-Dear asked me what the Wii Fit DVD was doing on the table with the TV remote.
I’d never actually inserted the disc!
Other times, I load clothes in the dryer. Come back later to fold and find I never pushed start.
Attachments don’t make it to emails I’m sending.
Multi-tasking becomes a multi-mess. Stuff ‘s misplaced constantly. Minor things, I know. But, for me it’s frustrating. It makes me crazy.
Maybe, like me, you feel you’re losing your mind while trying to keep it all together and stay focused at the same time.
Well, we’re not crazy because things aren’t normal right now. We’re coping as best we can. Any way we can.
We’re feeling stressed for very real reasons. Who wouldn’t with all the COVID-19 hype? Newscasts filled with horrid visuals of violence and civil unrest. Tropical storms spinning into hurricanes and reeking unfathomable damage. Fires burning unchecked. An ugly presidential election on the horizon.
Any one of which would be troubling alone. We’re got all of the above pounding us daily.
We have “pandemic fatigue,” which means daily stuff may take a little longer to accomplish or may not go as planned.
That’s okay.
We’re getting through these weird times. One day at a time. The next months will likely be the toughest yet. We’ll struggle more, but, I’m confident, we will come through.
All we have to do is stop and breathe. Slow, even breaths. In for one-1000, two-1000, three-1000. Out again one-1000, two-1000, three-1000. Repeat.
Seriously, STOP. Take deep breaths then proceed.
It’s helped me. So do M&Ms, but breathing is so much healthier.
Next time you’re feeling crazy and want to pull the covers back over your head, try taking a few deep breaths. I think you’ll find those provide calm in this uncalm world.
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