
14 12, 2016

Making Holiday Memories

By |2016-11-27T15:57:41-06:00December 14th, 2016|Holidays, Wednesday Words of Wisdom|0 Comments

christmas1This picture was snapped many years ago after the gift unwrapping. The grands are sharing their gifts with the others.

We never hurried to clear the chaos of twenty family members tearing into their gifts. The room was often covered in wrapping paper and ribbon and you had to tread carefully.

Once everyone had their gifts open then they’d huddle to examine the treasures each had received. Such fond memories of the young ones excited about their gifts.

Do you rush to clear the clutter after gift unwrapping? If you do, why not linger and enjoy the moment.

I’m so glad we didn’t rush AND that we snapped such great photos. Be sure to capture the memories.

12 12, 2016

Christmas Trees – the custom and traditions

By |2016-11-30T08:48:45-06:00December 12th, 2016|Holidays, Make Me Think Monday|0 Comments

A small tabletop tree with candles stands as a tribute to our German grandfather’s ancestry. A hand sewnSt. Nicholas doll stands beside the tree.

The tradition of putting up and decorating a Christmas tree began in Germany in the 16th century.

Legend has it that Protestant reformer Martin Luther, who was awed by the brilliance of twinkling stars amidst evergreens on a nighttime walk, wired candles to Christmas tree branches to recapture the scene.

The idea of a decorated Christmas tree was slow to gain popularity in Puritan America. Puritans held to a strict sacred observation of Christmas. In fact, in 1659, hanging decorations brought fines for breaking the law against observance of December 25 (other than a church service).

The Puritan legacy diminished with the influx of German and Irish immigrants and Christmas trees became the focal point of those who celebrate Christmas in America.

Thinking about Christmas trees from childhood is sure to stir a bit of nostalgia.

I can remember piling into the family station wagon and driving into the Texas hill country to cut the perfect tree. We’d sing Christmas carols and eat a picnic lunch. Fun times.

I’d stare for hours at the icicles reflecting in the multi-colored bulbs then beg to be in charge of cutting off the lights before bedtime so I could stay up late.  I might add that those icicles had to hang single strand over single branches. Daddy was always watching to be sure.

Once I married and we had our own tree, I’d planned to throw the icicles haphazardly on the tree. Somehow, it didn’t look right. Or maybe it was Daddy’s voice echoing in my head.

Christmas trees continue to play an important role in our holiday decorating.

In Houston, we placed multiple trees around our Victorian home. Most were artificial and each tree had its own theme.

For years we’ve collected White House and Texas Capitol ornaments. Those collections hang on gold-branched display trees every year.

With the Rio Grande National Forest as our backyard, we can secure a permit, take a short hike, and have a fresh cut tree whenever we’re ready to decorate.

I do miss all the little helpers I had in years past. Putting gumdrops on the gumdrop tree by myself (a tradition from my Irish grandmother)  isn’t the same.

gumdroptreeThis year our new four-legged baby, Finnegan MacCool will be helping, which may or may not be a good thing.stockinghelp

Here’s Finn helping me make a Christmas stocking for the newest family member-our granddaughter’s new husband.

Should be fun time decorating the Christmas tree this year with an Old English sheepdog puppy. At five months everything is a chew toy.

How’s the decorating going at your place? Is a Christmas tree part of your holiday tradition?

9 12, 2016

If You Chase a Chicken Into the Coop…

By |2016-12-08T06:37:38-06:00December 9th, 2016|Miller Farm Friday|0 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

chase-a-chickenIf you chase a chicken into the coop and close the door behind you, you may get locked in.

If you left your phone in the house you are really stuck.

If you stick your fingers through the chicken wire to reach the latch they may get stuck.

If you get your fingers unstuck and look around for something to stick through the wire you may find only a feather.

If you use the feather, it will not be sturdy enough to unhook the latch.

If you realize you are still holding the chicken you chased into the coop, you can put it down – it can’t get out either.

If you take your glasses off to use the ear piece to reach the latch, you will not be able to see.

If you look outside the coop you may find a twig that will work to reach the latch.

If you can’t reach the twig, you can use the earpiece from your glasses.  You can see well enough to get the twig.

If you get out and go into the house, you may find your daughter came home and took a shower while you were stuck.

If you didn’t love your daughter so much, she would be locked in the chicken coop.

7 12, 2016

Remembering Pearl Harbor

By |2016-12-08T06:48:10-06:00December 7th, 2016|Wednesday Words of Wisdom|0 Comments

75th-logo-358x352Today is the 75th Anniversary of the Pearl Harbor Attack, the day known as a Day of Infamy.

Long before I was born (and probably before most of you were born) on this day in 1941, Japanese fighter planes attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor near Honolulu, Hawaii.

The day after the surprise attack Congress approved President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s request to declare war on Japan with only one dissenting vote.

Then three days later, Germany and Italy also declared war on the United States. Congress reciprocated. America had finally entered the fray known as World War II.

Our national history (and many of our personal histories) changed forever. Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.

Fathers, husbands, dorsey-flippedboyfriends, sons, and daughters went off to fight the war. Brave soldiers who answered the call.

My father did. My uncle did. So did my father’s sister.

So many lost their lives. Those still living today are in their twilight years.

Of the 334 men who survived the Arizona attack at Pearl Harbor, only five are still alive today.

Let’s take a minute this Pearl Harbor Day to remember those men who Tom Brokaw duped the Greatest Generation . Men who willingly gave their all to provide protection and security to our nation and the world.

5 12, 2016

Let the Christmas Traditions and Customs Begin

By |2022-11-27T10:19:35-06:00December 5th, 2016|Holidays, Make Me Think Monday|0 Comments

Santa Claus waves to spectators along Central Park West during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York Thursday, Nov. 24, 2016. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

Santa Claus waves to spectators along Central Park West during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York Thursday, Nov. 24, 2016. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

Santa is officially tucked in place at Macy’s New York. You did watch the Macy parade on Thanksgiving, didn’t you?

Macy’s parade always signals Christmas preparations and traditions can officially begin for me.

I absolutely love Christmas customs and traditions. This month I’ll be sharing about my favorites starting with the Advent wreath.

If you attend a traditional liturgical church, you probably lit the second candle of an Advent Wreath yesterday because Advent this year began on Sunday, November 27.

Not familiar with the tradition of Advent? Here’s my cliff note version:

Advent comes from adventus meaning “coming” or “visit” and includes the four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. Advent also serves as the beginning of the liturgical year for churches.

Observance of advent began sometime after the 4th century. In the Middle Ages, the church extended the celebration to include the coming of Christ through his birth in Bethlehem, his future coming at the end of time, and his presence among us through the promised Holy Spirit.

Modern-day Advent services center on a garland wreath of evergreen branches representing eternity and symbolizing the coming of the light of Christ into the world.

The wreath contains three purple (or blue) candles, one pink candle, and one white candle. Each successive Sunday of Advent one of the candles is lit. The order and exact wording used as the candles come to light varies among churches.

Traditionally, the Prophecy Candle is first. The second Sunday candle is the Bethlehem candle. Third Sunday candle is the pink Shepherd candle. Fourth Sunday is the last purple candle called the Angel Candle. The White Candle (or Christ Candle) is lit on Christmas Eve.

Other variations light the candles to represent Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy.

Read more about the symbolism of the advent wreath, candles, and colors here.

If your church does not formally recognize a season of Advent, constructing an Advent wreath for your home can be part of family holiday traditions.

Here’s a link to an Advent wreath-coloring page for children. You’ll also find fun holiday activities to occupy little hands there.

Observing Advent is a great way to keep Christ the focus, teach the true meaning of Christmas, and diminish the commercialism of Christmas.

Is an advent wreath part of your Christmas season?

2 12, 2016

Miller Farm Turkey Report

By |2016-11-24T11:50:42-06:00December 2nd, 2016|Miller Farm Friday|0 Comments

A blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

Our turkeys are growing quite nicely. We have a tom and a hen. The tom is a wanderer who can escape the turkey pen.

One night I went out to close up the chickens and the tom was not in the pen.

tomA quick search revealed he had gone into the cage that we use for roosters.  We call it “death row.”  Apparently, this turkey is ready for Thanksgiving.

Unfortunately, he is not quite big enough.

The next night he was missing again.  He was not nested in death row.

I looked up in all the trees thinking of the song “Five fat turkeys are we. We slept all night in a tree.”  No turkey.

As I closed up the chicken coop, I discovered wandering tom in with a hen.tom-with-hen

The turkey thought he was a chicken.

The next night he was not in the nest boxes, or in death row.  Instead, he was on the perch in the coop.

tom-2I’ve decided to let him sleep with the chickens.

Now my morning list of chores includes: Move turkey back to the turkey pen.

30 11, 2016

Doing What’s Needful

By |2016-11-21T08:25:41-06:00November 30th, 2016|Wednesday Words of Wisdom|2 Comments

do-the-needfulWe’ve finished a month of focus on thankfulness. When I saw this graphic on the Grammarly blog, I thought doing the needful would be an excellent way to end the month.

This wording might not be the phrasing we would use in the U.S. More likely, we’d say something like Please do what I asked.

Grammarly.com offers a full discussion of the phrase’s origin on their blog.

Isn’t doing what needs to be done a wonderful guideline for our actions year round?

28 11, 2016

Cyber Security for the Holidays

By |2016-11-22T16:51:03-06:00November 28th, 2016|Make Me Think Monday|1 Comment

We’re full on turkey and pumpkin pie leftovers. The serious holiday gift buying has begun. It’s time to think about cyber security.cybertheif

 We all know how hackers use stolen data to create plausible emails to trick people into clicking harmful links and/or opening infected attachments, spreading malware, viruses, and other threats.

Yahoo’s data breach last September was a good reminder we need to be pro-active in protecting our data. I hope if you ever had a Yahoo account, you immediately changed your password or deleted the account if it’s inactive. If not, stop reading this blog and do it now.

We need to use caution when making on-line purchases or sharing posts on social media. We don’t want to put ourselves or anyone else at risk if we are hacked or have our data stolen in a cyber attack.

Here are seven tips for keeping your data safe all the time, not only during the holiday season.

  1. Use different passwords on all your accounts.
  2. Change your password and security question answers for all accounts regularly.
  3. Avoid your name, initials, or birth date in a password.
  4. Avoid actual words as part of a password.
  5. Keep your anti-virus/anti-malware and all your computer programs up-to-date.
  6. Frequently review all on-line accounts for suspicious activity.

Lastly, some reminders about your email.

~Never click on an email link if it’s unsolicited or from someone you don’t know.

~ Double-check before you click even if something seems to be from a friend, call, text, or email that friend and verify before you open.

~Regardless of how official an email appears never open unsolicited email. The IRS, your bank, your credit card companies, and other companies will NOT email you to ask for personal information. They already have it.

Use these tips and reminders about cyber security be security wise this holiday season and always.

25 11, 2016

Turkey Game

By |2016-11-21T07:45:23-06:00November 25th, 2016|Holidays, Miller Farm Friday, Thanksgiving|0 Comments

A blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

One of my greatest treasures is the collection of music books from my Aunt Keta. She was a music teacher and she worked for a music publishing company so she had many, many books. She actually gave a kindergarten music book to me on my first birthday.

turkey-runI use it regularly in my classroom. One of the songs is called The Turkeys Run Away.   We sing it every November and play the game.

This year when I explained how to play the game, I found myself saying “I will be the farmer and I will chase the turkeys.”

For a brief moment, I thought about the last time I chased a turkey. It had not ended so well – I fractured my ankle.  I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and began to sing.

I am happy to report no teachers were harmed in the playing of this game.

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