A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara
Rachel has moved into her own place. She is starting her first year of teaching and she, Penelope, and Cooper have found their own home. This has been quite a journey for her. The most recent leg of this journey occurred this past weekend when she gathered all her belongings into her new home.
We started Friday evening by moving the things from Miler Farm. We have had a record-breaking drought. Friday it rained. It didn’t last long and it left a rainbow – a nice reminder of new beginnings.
Step two involved borrowing a truck and trailer to retrieve the things Rachel had stored in Huntsville.
This went remarkably well and Brian was able to back the trailer right up to the front sidewalk.
We finished by lunch and then gathered the remaining items from in town. This included a table from our storage unit and a sectional given to Rachel by a friend.
The last step was to move the dogs to their new home. They were most excited by the new couch.
It is very quiet on Miller Farm now. No Cooper to help me check chickens. Somehow, I’ll manage.
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