A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara
One way I “water” my soul in the summer is by working jigsaw puzzles. We used to spend a couple of weeks in Colorado each summer and I would do a puzzle a day.
I miss those days – especially the cooler weather.
I even blogged about the lessons I learned while doing jigsaw puzzles.
- Consider results carefully before making a decision.
- Sometimes the only way to know if something works is to try it.
- Keep trying until you find what works.
- When things aren’t going right, it may mean backing up to see where things went wrong to begin with. Then make it right and move ahead.
A piano student recently gave me a couple of jigsaw puzzles, and I dedicated an entire weekend to complete one of them. It was a chicken puzzle of 1000 pieces and was quite a challenge as I am out of practice.
As I was working, I thought of some different things to learn about life from jigsaw puzzles.
- Sometimes you have to focus on one section at a time. The whole picture is overwhelming but each chicken is more doable. So is one day at a time.
- It helps to walk away and come back with a fresh perspective. (That works a lot better than dumping the whole thing over in frustration.)
- Life doesn’t have to be perfect. If you look closely, you will see that there are two pieces missing. At one point I would have considered the puzzle worthless and thrown it away. Now I can look at the whole picture and see the beautiful chickens without getting hijacked by the missing pieces.
Perhaps these insights come from two years of earth-shattering events. What might be considered catastrophes have taught me some valuable lessons. It just took sitting still at a jigsaw puzzle to see them.
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