For an urban city farm, the Miller Farm produces a wide variety of products. I love the eggs. And, the honey Beekeeper Brian extracts is equally tasty.
Chicken Wrangler email today is about the bees on the farm.
Today has been a bit busier than a normal. I added blood donation to my already full errand list.
When I returned to the Farm, I discovered an interesting object on my kitchen counter.
It is a two liter bottle (which I had saved at Beekeeper Brian’s request) which is about a quarter full of clear liquid with what appears to be a banana peel in it.
This last part was confirmed by the discovery of both ends of the banana peel in the sink. Now being married to Brian for 25 years, I know this is something he has done.
I suspect it has something to do with the bees. Just in case you need a little humor to lighten your day, any other guesses?
I’ll let you know what this contraption is when I find out.
Then the next morning this Chicken Wrangler email arrived.
A moth trap!
Apparently there is a type of moth that takes up residence in bee hives and greatly hinders honey production. They are extremely attracted to the clear liquid in the two liter bottle which is actually a mixture of sugar, water and honey.
The banana peel puts off some gas thing as it ferments that is extremely unattractive to the bees so they are not tempted to join the moths in their final swim.
The banana must ferment for two days so tomorrow the bottle will go out back near the bee hives. I’ll report back on the success of the “two liter bottle/banana peel moth trap.”
- A hive destroyed by wax moths. Note the larva in the honeycombs.
- Learn more about the wax moth and bees:
Now I am sure we will all sleep better having solved this mystery.
~~Sara – who never ceases to be amazed at the wonders her husband discovers
I, too, am amazed at the things Beekeeper Brian can do. Some blog we’ll talk about his fly-fishing skills or his woodcrafting bowls or his dulcimer building skills. A multi-tasking beekeeper-farmer that Brian.
YOUR TURN: Ever found something unfamiliar on your kitchen counter?
No, I haven’t found anything too unfamiliar on my counter. However, there is somthing unidentified in the bottom drawer of my refrigerator. It’s a fuzzy green and soft to the touch. Any guesses?
Not sure what it is, but I think I found it’s twin in my refrigerator. LOL