Spring in Texas brings bluebonnets. People will travel miles to find the one perfect spot to snap a bluebonnet picture.
Some are professional photographers. Most are family members looking for a cluster of the state flower in which to pose their loved ones and pets.
Highways become a nightmare of start and stop traffic on April weekends. No trespassing signs wave in the breeze on barbed wired fences surrounding private property. Enthusiasts ignore the caution as they seek the best field of bluebonnets.
Too many picture takers also trample the blooms.
Saturday we braved the unusually cold, wet, and windy weather seeking a patch of bluebonnets for pictures. The stop and go traffic of the peak Easter weekend was gone and, sadly, so were the larger patches of flowers along US 290.
We ventured on to the annual Bluebonnet Festival in Chappell Hill hopeful that taking the less traveled back roads coming home would yield the perfect spot.
We parked on the backside of town and walked to where the vendors’ tents displayed their wares. Along the way, we passed a patch of bluebonnets in a yard. Fearful that it could be our only option for Finn’s first bluebonnet photo, we stopped to snap a picture.
As you can see, Finn was unimpressed and Buster didn’t care to join us.
After visiting the fair, we drove out the backway along the less traveled country roads. We did find a small patch of bluebonnets.
The storm clouds were breaking up and blue sky was peeking through but the wind came in fierce gusts.
We did manage to get a few great shots.
Next year I think we’ll join all the other bluebonnet picture seekers for the peak weekend.
We planted Bluebonnets in our front yard so we can avoid the crowds. So far it has worked. We don’t have enough flowers yet to draw a crowd. You are welcome to bring the boys next Spring for pictures