Surviving 2020 requires a lot of courage. Every day a new drama comes and always COVID 19 lingers. Doubts and fears battle on the inside. At least, for me.
But then that’s the very definition of courage — confronting a difficult, frightening, painful, or disturbing situation when our first instinctive reaction is to flee.
Examples of courage are portrayed everywhere – in the Bible, in fairy tales, in books, in movies, in the news.
It’s usually depicted as physical bravery but being courageous also encompasses much more than physical strength and endurance. Courage involves mental stamina. That’s 2020 courage.
Melanie Greenberg, Ph.D. identifies six different ways to be courageous.
- Feeling Fear Yet Choosing to Act
- Following Your Heart
- Persevering in the Face of Adversity
- Standing Up for What Is Right
- Expanding Your Horizons; Letting Go of the Familiar
- Facing Suffering with Dignity or Faith
Where do we find courage? The word itself gives us the clue. Courage comes from root cour or coeur, which is French for heart.
The essence of courage lies in our heart.
Think about the Cowardly Lion in the classic film The Wizard of Oz. Along his journey on the Yellow Brick Road, he learned his courage came from within.
On the really hard days when the chaos of our current world threatens to pull you under, call forth your inner COURAGE like the Cowardly Lion.
We will survive 2020.
~~The original version of this blog appeared on View from the Front Porch October 8, 2014
Timely and beautiful. Thank you.