My sweetie surprised me with roses for Valentine’s Day. Yellow roses.
Red roses are common for the day. But yellow roses are our special roses.
After his heart attack many moons ago, I brought a yellow rose to the hospital every day. We lived in Connecticut and finding a yellow rose wasn’t easy. But, not any old red rose would work, it had to be a yellow.
I was his rosebud from Texas, and the only girl for him.
By the first anniversary of the heart attack we were back in Texas. I sent a dozen yellow roses to his office. Imagine his co-workers’ surprise when they learned the anniversary they celebrated.
My yellow roses for Valentine’s Day were a surprise. Double special with their sweet history.
If you’re not familiar with the song have a listen.
And, you can read about the historical Yellow Rose of Texas here.
My Dad ALWAYS gave Mom yellow roses.
That is such a wonderful story of love and commitment. Thank you for sharing it with us.