Years after things happen, whether we were part of the event or not, we recall and react on the anniversary. Even hearing those dates or seeing those dates can trigger memories.
- December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor
- November 25, 1963 Kennedy Assassination
- August 22, 1966 Whitman shooting from University of Texas Tower
- April 04, 1968 MLK Assassination
- January 28, 1986 Challenger Explosion
- November 9, 1989 Fall of Berlin Wall
- August 31, 1997 Princess Di dies in car accident
- April 20, 1999 Columbine High School CO shootings
And, of course, September 11 2001 Attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
Today is the eighteenth anniversary of that event.
I sat at home drinking coffee in our sun room with news on TV. I stared in horror as the second plane hit towers, watching the first building burn. I didn’t turn off TV for days filled with concern that my Army Reserve husband would have to go fight whatever evil had breached our borders.
I’m sure today will stir memories for those of us who lived through the event and the days following. Others will only imagine our memories through pictures like this.
No matter what date or anniversary triggers memories for you. Let’s remember Virgil’s quote used at Ground Zero.
This is a day that will never leave my memory. I can recall almost every minute of that horrifying day.