Our downsizing journey, which began in the fall of 2012, ended on a balmy day in March.
Once the truck and van were unloaded, the real fun work began—finding places for all we’d brought with us. Even though we’d culled and tossed, we still found duplicates and extras.
Four weeks later, all the stuff has a home. There are no boxes on the front porch or in the house.
We ended up repacking many boxes. Some to store for a garage sale this summer. Some to our church’s thift shop.
Lastly we swapped the dining room chandelier for one we’ve had in every home since 1972.
We’re finally home.
There are still a few last touches to complete.
- A new storage shed so my husband can have his workshop back.
- A garage – can’t survive Colorado winters without a place for the cars.
- A master bedroom addition above the garage so there’s plenty of room for company to visit.
Overall, our transition from urban living to simplified mountain top living is complete. We don’t miss the traffic, the fast food, or the noise. We love watching the wildlife from our bay window as we sip our morning coffee, our long walks on the forest trails, and the clean mountain air.
Life is good.
It is fun seeing your new digs. When I moved to my desert in 2004 I told my kids the only way I would ever move again is either THEY do the whole job or I go out ‘toes up’. BB aka baby brother lives here with me now and he feel the same way I do. We sit on our back porch most evenings and feed the ‘creatures’. Ground squirts, chipmunks, wild rabbits and share our day with each other. God has blessed us with each other in our later years and our contentment with where we are.
We love it! But we’re equally thrilled to know we have a place for us and the dogs with you.
After everything you’ve been through, you deserve the peace and quiet of coffee on your porch watching the wildlife. Congratulations, you’ve made it.