About the graphic
The title of my next release is Seeing Clearly. My cover artist and I started out thinking a cloud background would be good. Didn’t work out so I have several purchased images of clouds and decide this quote fit these clouds.
About the quote
I ran across Robert Holden’s quote in a blog recently. If you’ve been following the November blogs, you know I’m focusing on gratitude. That’s why his words resonated with me.
Holden is a British psychologist, author, and broadcaster, who works in the field of positive psychology and is considered “Britain’s foremost expert on happiness” according to Wikipedia.
Looking at his other quotes, I have to say he does have a positive outlook and firmly believes that a positive attitude provides a sense of well being.
And, in my opinion, being grateful is an important component of positive attitude and well being.
That gratitude quote is so true. Good quote.