I’m drowning in email. Are you?
For two weeks we’ve packed, hauled away unwanted stuff, shared last-time-living-in-the-same-city meals with family and friends, packed our household, loaded a trailer and a U-Haul, and drove one thousand miles to our new home.
There was no time to spend on the computer checking email. Conversations were via text or cell phone.
I did skim email for personal correspondence, but didn’t stop to read or delete all the other email that came in. Every day I watched the total grow.
Newsletters, blogs, group digests, notifications from social media… an email tsunami.
When I checked today, I have over 900 emails in my inbox.
I can’t believe it. I’m drowning in email.
The whole situation makes me realize I’m handling over one hundred emails per day. That much email reading has to be cutting into my writing time and productivity.
I think it’s time to analyze my email. Something I’ve never done.
Do I need to be receiving that many newsletters, blogs, group digests, and notifications?
I’m not sure.
I am sure that culling through all the emails I’ve accumulated will take time even if it’s time pressing the delete key.
Time I don’t have with all those boxes to unpack and a deadline looming.
Email has got to be tamed.
What about you? Does your email cut into your productivity?
Next Monday, I’ll be sharing some tips on how I plan to wrestle my email situation into submission.
Be sure to stop by and, in the meantime, if you have any tips, please share.