Chicken Cookies

By |2015-02-13T06:00:24-06:00February 13th, 2015|Miller Farm Friday|4 Comments

By Chicken Wrangler Sara

Our school secretary/business administrator is a wonderful lady. I’ve always known that the school secretary is the one who runs the school, and that is never truer than in a small private school. When she was gone for a few days taking care of her husband it took 4 people to do her job.

She has two grandsons who were in my music classes when they were at the school.  They frequently visit so I keep an eye out at the food pantry for things they might enjoy.  Each week I stop by the school on my way home to deliver whatever prizes I have found.

Last Friday Mary had a prize for me.  She had been working at a garage sale and found a basket of cookie cutters.  Among them was this:cookie cutterShe immediately thought of me.

I was thrilled. I have quite a collection of cookie cutters – thanks to my mother – but a chicken was not among them.

Over the weekend, along with canning 6 pints of tomato sauce, 6 pints of spiced apples, 4 half pints of apple butter, and freezing 10 cups of mashed sweet potatoes, I made chicken cookies.


I took them to school and left them in the teacher workroom with a note explaining that they were chicken cookies – sugar cookies shaped like chickens, not cookies made from chicken.  At least one teacher was glad for the clarification.