Cuddle Ducks

By |2020-05-28T09:18:01-05:00May 29th, 2020|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|1 Comment

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

This transition from house ducks to outside ducks has been the smoothest ever.  I was concerned, as always, that the smaller ducks would have to go through an initiation before they were accepted into the flock.

This did not happen.

I started by putting the ducks in the wire cage in the pen with their new friends.Usually it takes a fair amount of time for the littles to venture out.  These ducks are particularly attached to each other so they went out together.They spent a few minutes cuddling and surveying their surroundings.

It reminded me how important it is to have a friend when facing a scary situation.

Before long they were eating and drinking.  I could rest easy for the rest of the day.

I went to check on them before I went to bed.  I was going to put them in the coop but I found them cuddling in the middle of all the big ducks.

They were safe at home.