Our driveway is long. Very long. It also has a killer S curve.
We noticed it when we looked at the house. But, there was so much to love about the property with the yard and interior we decided it wouldn’t be a problem.
The length wasn’t an issue for my husband because he’s an expert backer-upper.
Me, backing is not my strongest driving skill. We won’t go into details.
Instead of letting the view when pulling out of the garage paralyze me. I came up with a plan.
I’d back partway out, pull forward to the side yard and turn around with a short backup so I could head out instead of going backwards the killer distance.
That worked well until two things changed.
One, I started driving alone more. When we’re together, hubby drives and backs down the demon path while I sit in awe of his skill.
Second, a wet, wet fall and winter mean the side yard is rarely dry. My solution of turning around to drive out forward doesn’t work so well. I’m executing a tire-twisting maneuver on the soaked, soggy ground. The ruts are growing. I’m making a mess of the side yard.
Not good. Not good at all. I’m being forced to learn to navigate the killer driveway in reverse.
I inch backward. Very slowly. Pulling forward and adjusting for those silly curves.
It takes a good ten or fifteen minutes. I have to allow extra time whenever I’m going out on my own.
My husband assures me with practice I’ll get better. Maybe even someday be as good as he is. I have my doubts.
At least I haven’t hit the big pine tree yet.
You’ll get better. We had a curvy driveway at our old house and eventually I became better at backing up that driveway than the hubby!
That’s what I’m counting on!
Buy a horse?
Then my horse expert friend would have to teach me to ride. LOL
Scary very, very scary stuff. Solution: Just don’t go anywhere until you are sure he will be home to help.
Well, your unchallenged fixer/upper husband should consider adding a circular driveway like they have at hotels & mansions. Your house certainly would pass for a mansion and solve a multitude of issues. Just a little digging, honey. Oh, I wanted my husband to reposition a wall cabinet. I too have s fixer/upper husband. So, negotiated a bit of traction on my desired project by replacing with a more sturdy fabric in 3 pockets of his favorite jeans, which took hours. Reconstruction is always a challenge. I’ll stay tuned to hear about your results, lol.
Great solution, Carolyn. I like it!