By Chicken Wrangler Sara
Tucker had a girlfriend come visit this summer. Her name is Olivia and she is an English cream long-haired dachshund.
It was a productive visit and 8 puppies were born on October 4.
This is a very large number of puppies for a dachshund.Unfortunately two of the puppies were very small and died within 24 hours.
That left 6 healthy puppies – 3 boys and 3 girls. We were promised pick of the litter as payment for Tucker’s services. It was not an easy decision.
We settled on a female named Penelope – Penny for short.One of Brian’s coworkers wanted a male and chose Max. The puppies were in another town so when Rachel went to get Penny, she also brought Max home so Brian could deliver him to work.
Having two puppies in the house was fun for a couple of days, but Rachel was glad to see Max go as he is much more energetic and vocal than Penny.
Max’s new family owns three other dogs. Unfortunately, they did not check with these dogs before bringing Max home and one of the dogs was particularly unfriendly to Max.
So Max has come back to our house and we are looking for a good home for him. He does have an eye condition which will require minor surgery. The droopy eye just makes him look a little sad to me.
I’m trying not to get too attached. I’m afraid Max’s new home may be further than next door.
Know anyone who wants a long-haired mini dachshund?
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