A blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara
The internet is a fascinating phenomenon. It has made famous things that would have been ordinary at best. For example, there is a whole website devoted to Grumpy Cat.
Now I confess I am not much of a cat person so I fail to see the fascination with this. However, it has made me think.
We have a hen that is particularly disagreeable. She sits in the nest box all the time and when I go to collect eggs, she bites me.
When Rachel was home this summer, she would push the hen out of the nest box with a board and then get the eggs.
The hen started jumping out any time Rachel came near. I haven’t instituted that strategy yet. She looks so peaceful when I walk up I hate to disturb her.
Then when I go to reach for the eggs she turns into “Grumpy Hen.”
So I’m considering launching a “Grumpy Hen” website.
I could make T-shirts and calendars and stuffed hens and mugs and…
Or maybe not.
Grumpy Hen can be a special thing just for Miller Farm Friday blog readers.
Great idea! I think we even have a bamboo stick around here somewhere left over from a bamboo flyrod that Beekeeper Brian built. I’ll have to put out an APB for it. Thanks.
I have a thin bamboo stick that I use on grumpy hens. A few tap tap tap on or near their heads gets them moving.