Another summer is about over. Labor Day is less than two weeks away. Fall will officially arrive on September 22nd.
It’s the time of year when this one-time schoolteacher becomes nostalgic.
I’m not saying I’d want to be back in a classroom again. Not with the challenge of teaching today.
Still, once the back-to-school chatter begins, a part of me misses the excitement of starting a new school year, setting up my classroom, and seeing the eager young faces. The freshness of a new beginning.
Last Monday, when the dogs and I were out on our daily sunrise walk, we spotted a school bus, I swallowed the lump in my throat brought on by my memories.
I said a prayer that it would be a “really good year” for the bus driver, the kids, and the teacher waiting in the classroom.
May all the students, teachers, and staff who began a new school year this week or will be going back to school over the next few weeks have a safe and productive new school year.
YOUR TURN: Do you miss school days?
To Americans, September, not January, is the time of starting over. It’s a time of bright promise. Let’s vow to drive a little slower watching for those excited children waiting in the dark for the big yellow bus to take them into the future. Instead of being impatient at the delay while short legs slowly climb those big steps, let’s whisper a little prayer that they have a good day and tolerant teachers.