East Wall Down

By |2020-07-23T10:37:18-05:00July 31st, 2020|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|4 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

Chicken Wrangler Sara Blog, JudytheThe East wall of our chicken coop fell down last week.  It is not surprising.  It has been slowly deteriorating over the past year. In fact, I was quite amazed when the recent hail storm did not knock it down.

In fact when it fell, there was no wind at all to blow it down.  There was no chicken running into it to knock it over. It simply fell.

The chickens ran and squawked in fear.  Rachel said they probably thought the sky was falling.  She is so clever!

As I looked at the rotting wood on the ground I thought it to be symbolic of our society right now.  We have weathered the storm of a pandemic, the darkness of isolation, the fear of uncertainty, the anger of civil unrest yet we remain standing – at least for now.

I believe there are some who are ready to just fall over at any moment.  The sheer exhaustion of existing in such uncertainty has worn them down.  They have withstood the storm and now they are tired and ready to rest.

So what does this mean to me?  It means I must treat everyone very gently because I can’t tell by looking which person is done standing.

I should encourage everyone I see, offer help when I can, write notes and mail them, bake cookies and take them.  Anything I can think of that might make people smile even if I can’t see it under their mask.  Hopefully I can see it in their eyes.

We will rebuild the chicken coop.  When the time is right, people will rebuild their lives, also.  I will be standing by with a hammer and nails, and chocolate chip cookies.