Starting 2019 with FOCUS
2018 is history. 2019’s clock is ticking.
A New Year signals
- a fresh start
- a new chapter in life with blank pages to fill
- new questions to be asked
- new answers to discover
It’s a time to move closer to fulfilling dreams and achieving goals. An opportunity to bring new focus.
Many pick a guide word for each New Year to help them focus. Words like Achieve, Joy, Balance, Learn. You can find ideas here.
In the past, I’ve chosenHope fuels the creativity engine. That year I published two books and ultimately creativity has led to seven published books.
Last year I chose PROGRESSIt’s from the Elsie Joy Get to Workbook, a fantastic planner for projects. In spite of 2018’s many interruptions (some good, some not so good) I did make progress last year. Not as much as I planned, but forward movement is forward. I’m just saying.
This year my 2019 focus will be CONSISTENCY.2018 was full of spurts and fizzle outs. I’m determined to be more focused on my writing. My 2019 SMART goals are set to accomplished that focus.
In case you’re not familiar, SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, and results-focused – guidelines to achievement. Schoolteachers will recognize the idea from lesson planning. Setting SMART goals help me clarify ideas, focus efforts, and use time and resources productively. More about SMART goals in next week’s blog.
Have you picked a focus word for your new year? What did you choose? If you haven’t, what would it be?