Silly Chicken – Miller Farm Friday
Another blog from Chicken Wrangler Sara
Saturday morning I went to let the chickens out and discovered this:
A giant quail or a silly chicken in with the chicks. Upon examination, I determined it was the latter.
The day before I noticed the cage door in the roof was open, but since this is the cage that requires a step up to reach, I’d left it open. Oops.
A group of hens roost on top of this cage at night and apparently, this hen had fallen in.
I was headed to help with a garage sale at my school and so I didn’t have time to figure out how to get the chicken out. I left her there hoping she would not die of a heart attack.
She didn’t.
In fact, when I returned, she had managed to get out on her own.
I discovered that by using a stick, I could close the door without getting a cinder block to use as a step. Since then everyone has been where they are supposed to be.
I’m hoping that continues to be the case.