Naming Chickens

By |2020-11-13T21:22:07-06:00November 13th, 2020|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|0 Comments

A blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

The fifth grade class at my school has started bringing me their leftover vegetables from lunch to give to my chickens.

One of the students asked if the chickens have names. I explained there are too many for me to name.  I didn’t tell him that I also get too attached if they have names and then when they die, I am sad.

He asked how many chickens I have – a question I seldom can answer with complete accuracy. I told him there are 30.

The next day he brought me a list of 30 chicken names with a few extra for good measure.

Since he had specified names for the fastest, loudest and most patterned, I took pictures of those to show him.

Cookoo – the loudest

Cookie – the most patternedJet – the fastest (I was able to catch her in the nest box)

Today I mentioned how much the ducks had enjoyed the broccoli and cauliflower yesterday.  Tomorrow I will get a list of 10 duck names.  Lucy and Ricky are already named.

I suppose this is another good thing to come out of this year – a new nonmusical connection with my students.