Migrant Mother and Her Story
By Guest Blogger Jane Carver
If I said the migrant mother in the picture made during the depression, you’d know exactly what photo I’m talking about…
Though photographer Dorothea Lange couldn’t ask the woman her name, the woman told the photographer anyway. Because she did, that photo will forever immortalize Florence Owens Thompson and her two children.
Like the Mona Lisa, a person looking at the photo can imagine all kinds of thoughts going through the woman’s mind.
Over the years, I’ve imagined her story so many different ways.
Now, more than eighty years after that particular photo was taken perhaps the woman’s story—of sorts—can be told.
Author Marisa Silver has written a story she thinks might have led that woman to be sitting in a migrant camp the day photographer Dorothea Lange came by taking pictures as part of a government project.
Ms. Silver named the woman Mary Coin and that’s the title of her latest book published by Blue Rider Press.
It’s a fascinating story of what might have happened that day in 1936.
I believe author Marisa Silver wrote the book just for me, to answer the question I’ve always wondered about.
Jane Carver is a former schoolteacher
a new grandmother, a quilter, an artist, an editor, a dual personality author, writing adult fiction and young adult fiction, and a blogger extraordinaire
Learn more at Ms. Carver’s websites: Adult Fiction or Young Adult Fiction.
Or visit one of her many blogs:
Her latest release as Jane Grace:
Intense (Young Adult Fiction) Sensitive subject but more about the compassion and help received afterward that makes up the story. Nova Dean dreams of going to Nationals in Debate but to do that she must beat Adam Parks and his team. Their rival is intense but not as much as the help Adam gives Nova after she’s raped. Only with his help can she take one step at a time back to a life she can endure. Only with his help are the rapists caught.
Her latest adult fiction as Jane Carver:
The death of Jud Longtree’s best friend gives the local police chief reason enough to suspect him of murder. With the help of Lottie Amberville, they use both logic and creativity to find someone who may have murdered more than once.