Poached eggs and Pliers
Poached eggs are a frequent treat for breakfast around here.
We could go to a nearby Mickey D’s and buy one, but homemade is so much tastier. I use only half of the English muffin and no cheese so homemade also has fewer calories.
My egg poaching pan is ancient. A wedding gift almost sixty years ago. It’s lightweight aluminum which means it heats quickly and stays hot.
I’ve never understood why the pan has three egg cups. Seems to me, four would make more sense. There are larger pans and smaller ones, but three egg cups work well for us. Two eggs for hubby-dear and one for me.
Besides my egg poacher pan, I also need pliers when I prepare our breakfast.
You see, steam from the boiling water that cooks the eggs to perfection burns my hand and the egg cups get very hot. That little tab you grip to lift the egg cups out is too small to grip barehanded.
A potholder is too large. The egg cup frequently slips from my hand and goes splat on the plate. Not a pretty presentation.
The solution, for me, is to use pliers to lift the egg cup. I can grip securely, slid the egg out, and have a picture-perfect serving.
I do get strange looks whenever anyone watches me use the pliers. Once I explain why most people admit it makes sense.
Okay, not everyone. Some still think poached eggs and pliers are a weird combination. But it works for me.