Love quotes for February – Aristotle
About the Graphic
Roses in a heart shape, what could say love more? Nothing.
But the quote in the center seemed like an incomplete sentence to this old language arts teacher. Yes that dates me because who teaches language arts anymore. No one.
Anyway, I added Aristotle’s quote to make it more of a sentence.
We won’t discuss the missing capital letter at the start the sentence.
About the Quote
The Aristotle quote spoke to my writer’s heart. When you write a love story, you start with two very different souls and by the end they are bonded as one.
That’s just a love story.
February Love Quotes
Today is February 1st. The month that puts us in the mood for love in a special way. Personally, I think love is meant to be shared year-round, but there is just something about February that causes us to focus our thoughts on LOVE.
That’s why this month Wednesday Words of wisdom will be memes created from quotes about love. Enjoy!