A Love Affair
Love is in the air. It is, after all, February.
I must confess I’ve caught the love bug and I’m having an affair.
A love affair with words.
Long before I met my husband and shared my heart with him, words held me in their spell.
The affair goes way back to when I learned the alphabet and started to string letters into words. Then I learned to read words and instantly knew …
Words are powerful. Potent.
Words enchant. Entice.
Words stir emotions.
I listened to nursery rhymes, chants, and children’s poetry read from My Book House, a series of twelve volumes compiled and edited by Olive Beaupré Miller.
Stories and poetry from My Book House opened worlds I’d never imagined. As I grew older and worked my way through the volumes, biographies of famous men and women down through history inspired me, folklore from around the world fascinated me, and poetry from Longfellow, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Song of Solomon inspired me.
Curled up reading through those volumes, my love for words grew stronger and blossomed into a love of books.I doubt I’ll ever abandon my affair with words, but don’t worry my husband doesn’t mind. He loves books as much as I do. Thank heavens the supply of books is unending.