What We Did Before the Internet
I received the loveliest letter from a friend I hadn’t seen in years the other day.
Yes, you read that correctly, a LETTER.
She’s didn’t FB. She didn’t message or text or email. She did what we did before the internet. She took out stationery and wrote me a letter.
We’d met on a tour of Ireland four years ago. She’d come from Texas, and I’d come from Colorado. We laughed a lot, enjoyed great food, and saw wonderful sites. When the tour ended we promised to keep in touch, which we did for the first year.
Then, as so often happens, lives got busy, and we lost touch.
She called our old phone number first, but got a recorded voice saying, “The number you dialed is no longer in service.”
Determined to find me, she decided to take a chance and write a letter. She addressed the envelope to my old address, and the Post Office forwarded her note to our new address. It was such a lovely surprise to hear from her and catch up with what’s happening in her world. I answered her letter immediately. Now I’m watching the mail for her reply.
It was such a lovely surprise to hear from her and catch up with what’s happening in her world. I answered her letter immediately. Now I’m watching the mail for her reply.
That’s what we did before the internet. We wrote letters.
You’ll probably think I’m crazy, but the whole episode has made me realize how much I miss good old-fashion letter writing.