JIGSAW FUN for Cognitive Training
Research shows our brain needs as much exercise as our body. So far I as know, there aren’t any brain gyms but there are brain games for cognitive training.
My favorite game is Jigsaw puzzles.
At our house we keep a designated puzzle table in our living room. Amazing to see how guests gravitate to the puzzle table. All the while protesting that they don’t do jigsaw puzzles. Next thing you know, I’m begging them to leave and join the rest of us.
Here’s the current puzzle underway. Charles Wysocki’s Cape Cod Fishing Party
The table is downstairs on the direct route between the bedroom and the kitchen. I stop by the puzzle table and add a piece frequently. I’m exercising my brain. In fact there is some strong research to suggest that working jigsaw puzzles renews your mind and helps stave off Alzheimer’s.
When I’m upstairs in my office and have a writing block moment or a piddling urge, I click on a website called JigZone to work a puzzle.
Cool site with fun stuff. You can even create your own jigsaw puzzle from a picture or a book cover. NY Times best selling author Jo Ann Ross has all her bookcovers as jigsaw puzzles on her website.
For daily exercise, Jigzone will send a puzzle to your email daily. Click and give one a try: Fruit and Veg Jigsaw Puzzle
Everyone have a great weekend. I won’t be on the porch. It’s raining pollen here.
YOUR TURN: What’s your favorite brain game?