Meanwhile Back on the Farm
A blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara
Beekeeper Brian and Chicken Wrangler Sara have been on their annual vacation in Colorado leaving Rachel in charge of Miller Farm which is no easy task.
In an effort to entertain the puppies, Rachel purchased new dog toys. Much to Max’s dismay, Tucker thought they were all for him.In the poultry department, Rachel has had to separate some of the roosters sending one to a new home. Apparently Kaboodle is at the bottom of the pecking order and an intervention was required. For the moment all is calm in the chicken yard.
In the house, however, the eggs in the incubator are starting to hatch causing all kinds of excitement. So far there are nine. She is sending pictures – like having newborn babies.
As much as I enjoy being in Colorado, I kind of miss the excitement of Miller Farm.
If only we could carry the cool air with us to Texas.