Lazy, crazy days of summer
Crazy days – I agree. No schedule. Letting the time flow.
Lazy days – not so much. Well, not around our little neck of the woods, anyway.
Summer here in the Rio Grande National Forest can get busy…chaotic. That’s what’s happened so far this year and the reason the Voice from the Front Porch has been quiet. Lots to do, so little time to write!
It’s only the end of June and so far this summer…
We spent hours gardening. Installed a fire pit for cooking hot dogs and s’mores and summer evening sing-a-longs. Our new neighbor plays the harmonica. How cool is that! And, we added a basketball goal for more summer fun.
We traveled to Texas for a graduation. Congratulations, Matthew on a job well done. Cum Laude over four years of high school is not an easy accomplishment. You did it!
We entertained three very active visitors from Minnesota for a week. We dubbed them the Frolicking Princesses because every evening they climbed the mountain behind our house to watch the sunset. I kept up with them (barely), but once we dropped them at the airport, I came straight home for a long nap. Eagerly awaiting their next visit!
We spent a weekend with a very good friend and business associate of my husband’s. Spent hours on the front porch catching up and remembering good times. I think we have another South Fork fan. He’s ready to retire and leave hot, humid Houston for some cool mountain air. He took home our realtor’s card.
Busy times, crazy times and so much fun. How’s your summer been going?
In between all the fun and frolicking, I’ve actually found writing time. I’ll have a new release by end of summer titled When Love Returns, book two in the Fitzpatrick Family Series. Keep watching for the cover reveal!
I’m looking forward to July and August, how about you?