Just Visiting

By |2021-03-11T15:25:52-06:00March 12th, 2021|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|2 Comments

A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

When I got home from work one day this week, there were chickens in the duck pen.  When I went out to check on them, the door to the pen was securely closed.

Hmmmm How did they get in there?

They didn’t seem too disturbed and I had to zoom in with a piano student so I left everyone where they were.

When I finished teaching, I looked out and Lucy, one of the ducks, was out in the chicken pen.  Perhaps they were trading places?

But then a rooster started to harass Lucy, so I had to go wrangle her back into the safety of the duck pen.  I also convinced the chickens to go back to their spot,

Yesterday the chickens were back in the duck pen.  I gave up and stayed inside to get the kitchen cleaned up.  I looked out and one of the birds was flying over the duck fence back to the chicken yard.  At least I know how they are getting back and forth.

As long as none of the birds go visit the dogs, I guess all is well.