Fall’s Lure for Writers
It is the summer’s great last heat,
It is the fall’s first chill: They meet.
–Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt
Labor Day is two weeks away. This year’s Fall Equinox will arrive on September 23, 4:21 A.M. EDT
Here in my part of the woods, the days are growing shorter and the mornings turning chilly.
I’m a former teacher so fall brings nostalgia But not because I’m longing to be back in a classroom again. To be a teacher again, I’d have to give up too much time and energy I prefer to devote to my writing.
Still, fall will always be one of my favorite times of year because it means
- less summertime activity to distract me from writing projects
- school supply sales
Nothing jumpstarts my creativity like a fresh notebook and a sharp new pencil or a bright colored pen.
Never mind, I have plenty of pencils, pens, and notebooks. There’s something compelling about the blank page and a sparkly new pencil.
Plus, who can resist a sale!
Writers, does fall charge you or challenge you?