Thanksgiving Week? Really, Oranges?
We’ve been watching our two orange trees beside the driveway. Every day the oranges slow turn from green and hidden in the leaves and branches to orange and shouting, “It’s time!”
This weekend they screamed, “Now!”
Here it is Thanksgiving week, the time when there are a million other things to be doing in the kitchen besides squeezing oranges.
But no. The oranges couldn’t wait.
Hubby dear selected the most need-to-be-picked ones and loaded the picking crates and bucket.
I prepared the sink area. Because orange juice tends to squirt when juicing, I drape the counters and cabinet doors with towels. Makes cleanup easier-no sticky floor or counters. I also sit on my vintage kitchen chair while I work.This is our third year of juicing. We have a system—an assembly line. He washes then slices the oranges in half and pitches the halves into the colander. I run the juicer and pour through the strained until the pitcher is full then pour the strained juice into quart jars. He seals, dates the lids, and carries to the garage freezer.
We recently found a great, small freezer at a garage sale unbelievably cheap and it’s now the orange juice freezer.
We prepared five gallons of juice this weekend and there’s another five or more crates on the tree starting to whisper our names. It looks like, while the rest of the world is wrestling and grabbing for bargains on Black Friday, we’ll be into orange juice manufacturing.
I know I’ll be happy come February when I’m sipping fresh orange juice. And, some lucky people on our Christmas list will be excited too.
Except right now, I’m not happy with the oranges. I need to be baking!