I Love My Chickens
A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara
I love my chickens and my chickens love me – especially when I feed them.
I was checking for eggs in the nest boxes this morning when one of the black hens started moving hay from one next box to the other.
I guess she is the designated interior decorator.
Meanwhile, Essie follows me around the whole time I am in the chicken yard.
In fact, I have accidentally stepped on her before. That hasn’t stopped her. This morning, she hopped up on the door to the nest boxes and watched the redecorating process.
She is the only chicken we have who will let you pet her. I guess I now understand how people can have pet chickens. But she’s not coming inside.
I know that is shocking to you, but this made me think of a song.
I have a chicken my chicken loves me
I feed my chicken on tender leaf tea
My little chicken goes bak bak bak
My little rooster goes cockle doodle doodle
doodle doodle doodle do.
Anyone else remember that one? This short video of a teacher singing for her class will jog your memory.