Full Up at Miller Farm Inn
A blog memory from Chicken Wrangler Sara
A fellow teacher at my school shares our love of dachshunds. Not quite as much as we do – she only has one. Her dog’s name is Elvis and he is not fond of being put in a kennel. His mom asked if he could possibly stay with us when they went out of town. He came for a play date and everyone seemed to get along so it was settled.
Elvis came to stay over the Thanksgiving Holiday. He arrived on Tuesday and seemed to be excited to join our 6 pack at Miller Farm.
Then Beekeeper Brian got a text from Miller’s mom. He needed a place to hang out also. Had Brian not said anything, I might not have noticed. After all what’s one more dachshund.
Miller arrived on Wednesday bringing our total to 8 dachshunds. It went remarkably well.
I decided to do an intermittent mop of the kitchen floor and put everyone in the back yard but they began to bark so I brought them back in. A neighbor who works nights has asked us to try to keep them quiet during the day. That seems reasonable even if it is difficult.
So I put them all in the living room so I could mop the kitchen without help. They didn’t mind that at all. In fact, they all climbed on the couch for a nap. Elvis and Miller, the two black and tans, nearly blend into the sofa in the top right corner.Rachel missed out on all the fun. She was pet sitting for a couple who have 3 Great Danes. She sent this picture with the largest who weighs in at 180 pounds.
I think I’ll stick to large numbers of small dogs rather than small numbers of large dogs.
This post originally appeared on December 1, 2017